
And that’s his 47th ever punishment cane


FAO of the lads here who know who they are

There was a rekindling of this relationship in recent months and now a baby is on the way.

He/she didn’t let her/him away this time

Like watching a car go over a cliff in slow motion

With the original missus or the affair

All’s well that ends well.

@TheUlteriorMotive needs to add some clarity here. Surely the fella starting isn’t starting a new family :cold_sweat::exploding_head::scream:

Love always prevails

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@Tassotti lads are still having sex in 2020. The Irish are fierce backward. You literally couldn’t make it up

I know it’s lonely up there @glenshane but you need a refresher course in the basics. It was the last decade they had sex in.

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That’s okay then. As long as it’s not 2020

Fairly sure I haven’t had sex since last decade

Is there a new word for it these days. Gender coupling or something to that effect?

The beast with two backs is how my confessor refers to it.


A Shakespeare reference - a learned man surely

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He always brings some reading material right enough

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Horizontal folk dancing

Horizontal fandango

The affair lady.