
Another fucking blow in. We may build a wall

@Mac obviously voted for Verona Murphy


You are a very cynical and bitter person. This lad is living an adventure. He is having the most exciting love affair of his life with a new soulmate. He is starting a new family, better than his current mediocre family. He is moving house and living life. You are bitching about him on TFK.

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Theres no fucking trouble in paradise, then it wouldnā€™t be fucking paradise would it?


Heā€™s just jealous. Wanking himself over pictures of Betty Draper.


He built a house in Truagh a good 15 years or so ago. Land from the others side of the family who are Oatfield stock IIRC. Would be in Clonlara parish but right on the border with the Mills as opposed to Broadford I believe but would be on the road from Limerick to Broadford.

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Iā€™d say an affair is great craic for a while anyway

The cheap trill experienced during it does not make it anyway worth it, take it from someone who had to pick up his life after one. They affect a lot more lifeā€™s than those directly involved.


The wife of a mate of mine had an affair and ended their marriage.

They had been together since 16. Both from a relatively posh area of Dublin and both came from money. From the outside it would appear that he relied on her more than the other way around. I never warmed to her, but then again my mate would be tough work himself at times. I had another mate who worked with her and said she was sound so who knows?

They got married in a posh hotel and a free bar all night. I heard it cost 100k, all paid for by the father of the bride. He was struggling for work in Dublin so they decided to move to London, she had a good job and could easily get a transfer. They were in London a couple of months when he texted me to say that she had told him that she had been having an affair with her boss since the Dublin days and she was leaving him to shack up with the new guy. While I was surprising by the initial abruptness of it, there was part of me that wasnā€™t surprised at all.

She received a massive backlash from their mutual friends as well as the families, including her own. They got divorced quickly through the UK. She ended up marrying the other guy who ended his marriage as well, and I think they have a kid now. Heā€™s in a relationship now as well for a couple of years.

What I would say is donā€™t judge people all the time in relation to this. Looking back the signs were that she wasnā€™t happy for a long time. However it must be an awful wallop to self esteem for your wife to tell you she is leaving you for someone else.


**[quote=ā€œBatigol, post:1293, topic:13371, full:trueā€]
Iā€™d say an affair is great craic for a while anyway

Youd want your head examined

Anyone partaking in an affair should be judged and more so if there are kids involved. If youā€™re not happy in the relationship then end it rather than waiting for something else to come along.


Camt agree with that Mike
You donā€™t know ehstd going on behind someone elseā€™s door

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What behind-door circumstances would result in it to be preferable to have an affair as opposed to ending the existing relationship first it and then moving on?

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Amy number
Maybe one of the partners has no interest in sex anymore. Maybe one partner Iā€™d beating the shit out of the other. Loads of reasons

Both are reasons to leave a relationship.

How many people are in abusive relationships and warned if they even think about leaving, itll get worse

unlikely theyā€™ll have an affair if theyā€™re that afraid of their partner?

Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not as black and white as you think
I wouldnā€™t judge a person regardless of circumstances

My ex-wife and I broke up as no matter how hard we tried we just were not compatible. And that came mostly from my side, I know why we got together but it wasnā€™t enough to keep is together. There is enough guilt to deal with when you do leave but I can only imagine the guilt if you were carrying on behind her back. If a marriage isnā€™t working do everything you can to make it work and if it still isnā€™t working then leave with your head held high. Life is too short and happiness is out there. But for the love of jaysus be sure the marriage canā€™t be saved!