
Leaving the unhappy relationship without a new one to go to is an honourable and brave thing to do. Staying in and waiting for something better to come along is both cowardly and selfish in all incidents. The only possible grey area is the one where there is an abusive partner, though I can’t see how someone who is afraid of leaving for fear of reprisals would not be afraid to start an affair. The latter would be a bigger crime to the abuser.


Well let me put it this way. I’m not planning in putting anything like that to the test

He did end the relationship ya dope, he left his wife

My comment wasn’t aimed at @Locke if that’s what you’re thinking. I was replying to iron mike.

Well that’s that then.

Provide an example.

I don’t have to provide examples - the absoluteness of that statement is just ridiculous.

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Didn’t think so.

What if you’re quite happy with your wife but an absolute cracker puts the chance to have an affair on a plate for you? Very hard to moralise or know how you’d react until you’re placed in that situation. The ridiculous percentage of famous men who have affairs is proof of how difficult it is to resist. Most normal fellas never find themselves in that situation.
Mike skinner had a song about it

@mikehunt sounds like a man whos be hurt.Tell us about it Mike.

I agree with @mikehunt here.

There’s no excuses for people having affairs. If the relationship they are in doesn’t satisfy them then they should end it rather than relying on it as a safety net.

Your ma swore me to secrecy.

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Ooooft.Good one.

@anon61878697 will need to log into his @anon61956325 account and delete this if he wants to stand in Cork North West.

I think Bobby was being sarcastic there pal, highlighting the double standards held against women… TFK wasn’t ready for #metoo back then and no one pulled him up on it. The maturity Is there now and I’d be confident he’d be pulled up for calling her a slut and challenged in ruining a relationships

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@mikehunt the lads are spending thousands on Christmas/birthday/Valentines gifts for their birds but they’re looking over their shoulders to see if there’s greener grass :grinning::man_shrugging:

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The more they’re spending , the more their eyes are wandering

Statistically, a few lads on here must be having affairs…


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The lads on are having our lads share of affairs.

You need to have human contact to have an affair.
