
That might be their thinking though. One last spin on the merry go round. Very hard to know how a fella with the same woman 20 years or so will react if they are presented with a clear opportunity in work or wherever.

Or is after your money.

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His ā€˜palā€™ has spent all his money at this stage.

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Being left the fuck alone is often quite enough


Thereā€™s a girl I went to college with told me this was the case for her when she had an affair about 15 years ago. Said she didnā€™t do enough in college and wanted more than her husband when she went with the other guy. Husband never found out, chap she was with was from England and turned up in their village one day after weeks of her ghosting him when she ending it. Messy!


I posted this before but Iā€™d say he is typical of a whimsical type

I was down in Brittas Bay a few years ago. Myself and two friends went to Jack Whites for a pint or two. We got chatting to a man in his sixties in a suit and tie. My pal guessed his accent as Roscommon and away we went chatting.

He said he was living in Dublin when he was twenty and met a girl and fell in love and they got engaged. However he wanted to move to the UK and she would not so they broke up. He moved to Birmingham, met a woman and had 3 kids.

Years passed.

One day he decide to look up his old flame. He had an old family address and wrote her a letter. Months passed no response.

Months later she wrote him a letter. They wrote to each other for a few months and decided to meet in Dublin. They met. She had also married and had kids. An affair commenced.

About Four months after they met she was diagnosed with cancer. Aside from a lull for her treatment the affair continued. She would travel to meet him and vice verse. Her husband was not aware.

He left his wife and moved in to a house next door to the wife. The other woman would fly over to see him every so often. He would back his van up to the front door to let the other lady into the house without the ex wife seeing.

When we met him he was over to visit the ladyā€™s grave. She had died 3 months earlier and the husband never knew. Affair had run for about 4 years.

Cancer came back and she passed away. He had not seen her for last six months of her life as she was so ill.

Our man in the pub could not go to the funeral given the circumstances so he had travelled over when we met him to say his goodbyes. Love of his life he said and no regrets over rekindling it with her.

As we left him he was planning to head off to look for a woman that night. Some men cannot be alone.


Yep, it was fairly boring first time you told it mate

Any chance thats the last time you share?


His pals wife has.


One thing Iā€™ve noticed is the prevalence of folk to engage in affairs and end marriages when in later life - basically after the kids are reared.

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A lot of marriages do seem to end once kids have left school/college. Almost as if they were waiting for the time to be right.

Empty nest divorces are increasingly a thing.

Depends. Letā€™s be honest. Probably up to the mid nineties and a little beyond, a couple were still expected to ā€œ do the right thing ā€œ if the girl fell pregnant. As times changed and as the kids grew up , one if not both parents would look for a way out .

I know of a lady who had an affair with a local man also married.

He was a dog for years. Constantly riding around him,

She was married to a gentleman and had a lovely family - really nice folk,

The affair happened, and both decided to leave the spouses. Her family was ripped apart, some siding with her, some refusing to speak to her. It was a major scandal.

The relationship lasted a year max before it ended - Iā€™m not sure what happened but given your manā€™s history cheating is the most likely cause.

She now is on her own, the ex husband has a partner and the family, while now speaking, still shows the scars.

I canā€™t get my head around her getting involved with that clown.

Still a bit of a thing in the US South. ā€œRing before springā€ā€™is a thing in college amongst the religious folks.

Lots of affairs because of it.

Iā€™m safe enough on that score.


Brilliant :joy:

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Do these things ever end well? If youā€™re going to start into it, just leave, easier for everyone in the long road.

Iā€™m that soldier, eldest born out of wedlock when I was 23 missus was 27, we met 28 years ago, I must be due an oul affair at this stage.


Dave Grohl signing in

The man was going through a difficult time, Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll understand

Itā€™s always the ones with the smiley front