All hail roddy collins

He’s the Dubs Lee Trundle.

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He’s moved on a bit from the plastering

The Rodfather being plugged on RTE 1 now by the man himself.
Modesty and shyness weren’t invented for Roddy……

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The Rodfather reads the book himself on Audible…

Classic Roddy Collins.

The book is a entertaining read in fairness
Would take every story with a pinch of salt, but I’d say Rod is an alright sort


Would be worth it alone for that.

Top of the fiction list but a good read - the Northside Ross o Carroll Kelly


Some great stories in it to be fair. Very entertaining book, although I’d probably only believe a half of it. No mention of any of the bother Steve off in later in life or am I imagining that?

Im listening to the great man reading his own book on Audible. As mentioned above some great yarns in it. My favourite being when Roddy was Carlisle manager and himself and his star striker Richie Foran had a drink fuelled ‘straightener’ in a hotel room a couple of nights before a zenith data cup final while Carlisle’s winger hid behind a sofa pleading for them to stop.

On a personal note I’ve had a mildly disturbing reaction to continously listening to Roddys voice. I have on occasion started to ‘think’ in his voice. For example i was thinking yesterday morning that i needed to buy chicken and rice for dinner on the way home and it was Roddy voicing my thoughts. This has continued into today when Roddy was just telling me not to forget to go to Smyths to buy a ‘Skootar’ for the smallest one. Anyway i better get myself into Smyths. I wouldnt fancy a straightener with Roddy.


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Roddy on with Joe Duffy now. Duffy’s is too big of a cunt to get the best out of a master raconteur like Roddy.

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On two separate occasions I bumped into ex league of Ireland players I’d know who would have been around when Collins was involved … both basically said the only bit of book that’s true is that his name Roddy Collins …:man_shrugging:



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Ah sure it’s fairly clear within minutes of him speaking that nothing he says is true. All the best stories contain kernels of truth surrounded by absolute lies


Very true and It makes for a roiling, entertaining listen for all that. There’s a bit, when talking of Steve’s first fight V Eubank, where he describes Millstreet as the venue ‘where Riverdance wowed the world at Eurovision the year previously’.

It may just be the truest thing in the book.


To make him look good

But great entertainment

Wasn’t that Eurovision in the Point?! Or is that your point?!


Yes, it was in The Point so that was my point alright.