All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

We’ll find out in a few weeks whether he counts or not

You planning a murder?

In fairness to him he was a great man to give the final pass for a goal …

Hmmmmm… i see a pattern emerging…

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If Mayo win I might go with them being too battle worn for the fresh dubs …

Fair point

Fuck off Neil

Yet another advantage for Dublin.

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High cost of living is a reality for the dubs 365 days a year, not just a couple of nights.


That’s a clamping …

Sure they all live with their Mammys still.

They’d have no problem doing a couple of nights on a mates floor to go to croke park if Garth Brooks was playing…

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Shur we know, we’re renting the shitboxes to ye

That’s more Donegal and Tyrone in fairness.

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If only Croke Park had a hotel affiliated with it


Could be a nice crowd from Galway as well id say @Iggy. The north Galway/Connemara lads haven’t had much to get in enthused about for a long while now.

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They were enthused in 2016 until they were sent home with tea in their mugs by Michael Quinlivan and co.


for the kerry\mayo., armagh\galway double header
very little stand tickets left. upper and lower Davin and the end sections of Upper Hogan, Upper Cusack remain. more sold at this stage than I would have though

Don’t be pretending you’re going mate, we know ye fellas don’t travel to quarter finals