All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

no travel for me kid, Croke Park is 4 miles from my front door

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Sign of the times when 45k between those 4 teams is seen as a big crowd.

if it is at 45k now will it finish up at 65k by next weekend?

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I see you have transitioned from being a top class hurling analyst to perceptive football analyst
You are correct about cork, and about Limerick wasting possession

Good news, he will be needed for Mayo to have a chance

Got a ticket right in the middle of the Hogan Stand there a few mins ago for Sunday. Loads of tickets for sale in great parts of the ground.


Going to this myself. Should be a great day out. A near sell-out.


It’s a cracking line up. A day for the high stool


A carvery and a couple of pints beforehand. A pity Quinn’s is no longer open.

I’m hoping to be in attendance at this too.

Be good to suss out the competition for my beloved Derry before the Semi Final’s.


Careful now

I stand to win a fortune here if they go all the way.

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Lee keegan v David Clifford will be some battle if it materialises.

He’s the only man for Clifford. I’d say putting O’Hora on him in the league final was a bluff to avoid showing the hand before an anticipated Championship match.

Would explain why O Hora carried on like he didnt give two fucks for that game.


A pity the train goes before the end of extra time of Kerry vs Mayo.


Bus could be an option too. Those Wexford Buses run through the night I think. Probably a good walk from Croker to the nearest stop though.

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Tis an option. Quays to Croke Park not too bad at all. Thinking about it here.

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