All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Goal Benny Heron!

Steal a short kickout and finished clinically.

Clare make an awful hames of a short kick out and Derry goal. Gallagher goes stone mad.

Very poor kick out. Thought the keeper turned his arse to the shot too.

A lot of soccer style behaviour from the Derry fans. Very unseemly

Game over

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Clare not getting near the D really, got close there but serious pressure on the shot.

Stick a fork in this one.

What a goal from Glass! Roofed it.

Lucky for Clare that Derry aren’t built for building a lead and picking off their opposition

Derry motoring well @peddlerscross. What’s that chant they have?

I was hoping West Clare would have a good rattle at it. Unfortunately has been a slow start.

Couldn’t have started much worse for Clare. Gift Derry an early goal and immediately have to play from behind.

Soft yellow card for Glass there?

Apparently the Hill 16 end is very open re the wind. Incredible insight from Billy Joe there

Siúl Cáca milis

Fair crowd from Derry there. This camera angle is making me sea sick.

Clare cant seem to handle the change of pace of Derry

Forgot this was on sky. Out in the mothers and she doesn’t have it. Balls anyway. Anyone a link

It’s already over

But Cork Dublin will be close. Right? Right?

To be honest we would have got a better contest had the Rossies not shat the togs in the last few minutes against Clare. Shure lookit.

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Clare forwards dont want to defend.