All Ireland Football Final 2024

Its a terrible spectacle though. There is very limited entertainment in it.

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They’ll have to figure something out with the 15 men inside the 45. 3 men have to stay up or something. Very hard ref it though

Thats a thing of beauty

I enjoyed the game today. Granted, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

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You would probably require 2 extra linesmen.

I enjoyed it too in a way. It was intriguing. But we want more one on one battles all over the field.

Galway refusing to enter the 45 and Armagh refusing to come out of it was a tough watch at times. Second half much better


Thats actually a thing of beauty. The psni have still a cobwebbed east wing full of special branch spooks…but changed times. Onwards and upwards. Great to see the jamies left behind.


Those days are gone. Its a possession and systems game now.

The only way the game will change is if a team wins with a different approach.

Cork tried it this year in hurling, and came very close. I think hurling will benefit as more teams go more direct instead of working through the lines.

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Rule changes as proposed would change it fairly significantly. I borderline enjoyed today’s match too. When the default setting is ‘its shite’ very hard for a sport to break away from that negativity

The games were never meant to be played to this level.

Gaelic football is having a lot of the same
Problems rugby has had over the years.

I think players like playing Gaelic football similarly to rugby. The gym is more popular and younger folk like the stats and number based analysis.

It could be a bad spectator sport but very popular to play.

Hurling is probably the opposite. It’s great fun to watch but I’m not sure it’ll attract the same playing numbers.

They were absolutely awful all year. That it took so long to put them down speaks volumes about the season.

Its mad to see full forward lines totally redundant now. Some of the best attacking talent with the Cliffords, Walshs and Comers of this world and teams cant figure out a way to get the ball to them. The way the game is played its probably tailormade for 13 aside.

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Twitter coaches loved it at least

How in the fuck did 13 people like that scutter

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The last 20 mins was exciting. Plenty of drama. Its a national pass time to bash Gaelic football. Oddly enough main culprits are RTE who want a captive audience. Ive see far worse All Irelands. Ive seen nil all rugby games at HT being described as intriguing. If you watched the game on its own merits without hearing the drudgery in the analysis or commentariat from twitter you’d have a different perspective entirely.

Probably one poster here with 13 accounts.


I watched it from the stands. The drudgery was inherent. It might hopefully be the apogee of this trend

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Oisin put in a couple of seasons with Portadown FC and has a few caps for NI at underage soccer. Today should be enough to justify his decision to give football a go though.

Definitely. The Ulster teams are defensive narrative from casual fans and auld fellas is massive too. They never seem to notice that Dublin and Kerry put 15 men behind the ball when defending too

Could they look at making the ball lighter so that lads could kick for scores from beyond the 45?


Show me yer provincial medals Armagh and Clare.