All Ireland Football Final - An Classico

Just wonderful to see Jack O’Connor going around like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.


Fuckin Dub or dub based referee

He always looks like that

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Yep. It’ll be some rebuild now for Dublin. There’s a few easy AIs to be picked up over the next 2/3 years for the rest.

Not with you. I think DG is an excellent referee. The biggest mistake he made all day was missing Paul Geaney fouling ball with a double hop before he goaled.


Gough was excellent, I’m pretty sure he called that one right as well


Supposedly the ball hopped of his foot and not the ground so it wasn’t a double hop. Michael Murphy was a bit sceptical of it on the BBC coverage

Maurice Deegan on BBC at half time said it was fine - not fully sure why but the second hop wasn’t really a hop.

That was a harsh free v Clifford when he could have had a 45


Soft, but it was a free

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No real highlight moment to wow Gaz from Birmingham watching on the Beeb.

Yes if the crossbar hadn’t been there it would have been a goal.


McCarthy should have had a red card


It was a second hop, if you look closely. PG realized his error and then tricked DG with a swift toe to hand.

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It took serious toxicity from kerry to have 31 counties supporting dublin

Basquel, Fitz and Cluckxton were great, McCaffrey a thorn in Kerrys side when he came on. Dubs just better footballers really


Hate that argument. If I was working in Kilkenny I’d still want to fuck them over.

Have a close look at incident. Ball hits ground a second time before toe to hand.

The free for nothing that McCaffrey got, keading to Mannions point to go in front, was shocking.

And the posts might be unstable too.