All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***


@Kilkenny lads, is yer man Conor Delaney out for the championship? He was very physical against Chin in a couple of games last season. Chin is explosive at times but needs to be more consistently involved.

I had VERBAL FIGHT with a lad in the O’Loughlin Gaels end last year pal. I lost it with the cunt the time Chin retaliated to some Kilkenny filth.

The childer were aghast.

I don’t like them, pal. Not one little bit.


The seething thread has the potential to be epic in the coming days. The Wexicans are upping the ante and it only Monday yet.

Loch Garman Abu…Wexford Park will be packed Saturday night. We have done well in all our games to date in patches, but have yet to put in a complete performance. I hope we are saving that for Saturday.


I’m fucking pumped for this alright.

Some unsuspecting Gibraltar fan is going to cop a sly rabbit punch off me later.

I’m Wexford’s Tommy Robinson.


Poking a bear.

ah yeah, go for the low hanging fruit there @Gman
i’ll take care of the big cahuna @EmilioButragueno and madame will go for @iron_mike the souptaker :smiley:

If we cant beat the cunts on the field, we’ll beat them where its even more important. On the INTERNET.

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Can the action on the field live up to this INTERNET war?

I’ll look forward to logging on here when I get off the plane Saturday evening

Signing into the Wexford Fan Club ahead of next weekend. A Wexford - Dublin Leinster Final would be a magnificent finale to what’s been a fantastic Leinster Championship.


My first step on Saturday will be to verbally interject in a polite but firm manner:

“Excuse me Sir. Yes, you. I will not sit here quietly in Wexford’s home ground and allow you to abuse our manager and players without challenging you. I urge you to focus on positively backing your own team instead of denigrating our lads. Could you please desist or I will be left with no option but to escalate matters?”

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Avoid lapsed poster @theLinkWalsh should things become testy. He has a post back in the years where either him or the older Link laid some lads out at a match in " the heat of the moment".

Tanks to Derek McGrath doing de analysis on de telly, he may even understand what yer on about with all dem big fancy wurds.

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How could I forget @Ralphie? He’ll be bringing his League of Ireland terrace experience to Innovate Wexford Park this weekend.

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This has “emotional ambush” written all over it

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It’ll be a long day on the INTERNET for some lads if that happens.

in your big Wexford townie accent. A big fucking bogger from Kilkenny and the townie hopping off his rissoles. That’d be some sight.

Sorry for losing it there. Back on track now again. Fuck Kilkenny, up Wexford.

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We need to see a “welcome to clonard” banner behind one of the goals evoking memories of the “welcome to hell” ones you’d see in Turkey.