All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Says the King of the deleted post.

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Heā€™s only a cunt though

Christ this is cringeworthy. Wexicans trying to pretend they arenā€™t half welsh simpletons known for warbling away harmlessly in yola, trying to act the mental redneck. You need the Atlantic air in your nostrils and the constant hanging threat of famine to be truly fucking nuts. We were born in fire, forged in bitterness and begrudgery. Know your place


I think weā€™re coping great with it. Long may it continue.

Joanne refused to travel to the cesspit.

Galway have beaten Kilkenny 6 times in the Championship in the Cody era. Next best after that is Cork with 3 wins. Tipperary have 2.


A remarkable record.

The Limerick firm are with you e-pal.

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Galway never feared Kilkenny, or Cody.

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Theyā€™ve played 17 times since 1999 with kk winning 11, 2 draws and Galway 4 wins

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Galway havenā€™t knocked Kilkenny out of the championship since 05. Limerick, Waterford, cork and tipp have done so since. Also have Galway beaten a Cody managed Kilkenny 6 times? That sounds like false news.

He is. Goes with the wind

01, 05 and 12? I canā€™t think of any other times Galway beat Kilkenny under Cody.

And yesterday !

5 including yesterday. They bate them last year as well.

Galway beat Kilkenny in 2018 round robin and replayed 2018 Leinster Final ā€“ both instances a championship occasion.

Have you short term memory loss?, twice last year and yesterday! That would be six (6).


Apologies Geoff. You were spot on

A few candidates for the ā€˜people who look slowā€™ thread

Sorry yes I forgot about these round robin Games. Galway havenā€™t managed to knock kk out of the championship since 05. Their record v kk In knockout games is abysmal when the heat is on. Multiple times Galway collapsed for a crowd that apparently donā€™t fear Kilkenny or Cody.