All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

One thing Iā€™ve learned. Whether or not you agree with @GeoffreyBoycott, never question his facts. Heā€™s never wrong. Heā€™s destroyed a few lads here with stats ( myself included)

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Iā€™m not at full capacity today Mike

Did you do a tap at all, you lazy fuck?

Heā€™s regularly wrong.

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I did. I was hard at it this afternoon


Iā€™ve been wrong on the INTERNET twice before, but I expect us to beat Kilkenny relatively comfortably.

Kilkenny have been getting progressively worse since about 2014. They are in the middle of huge transitional period trying rebuild the greatest team of all time. Galway in particular are guilty of playing the jersey and not the man the past few seasons. They are terrified of Cody and that jersey. Galway are vastly superior imo but it rarely shows on the field.

Just swap ā€œwireā€ with ā€œprintersā€ and you have your battle anthem.

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Galway havenā€™t lost to Kilkenny in the past few seasons and have beaten them three times. I agree shouldnā€™t have been so close yesterday. There is no such thing as a bad Kilkenny team, especially a Cody managed one.

Classic Galway. Always building up kk. Thatā€™s a bad kk team yesterday missing loads of good players. 5 actual knock out championship games between the teams since 05 and 4 of them were easy wins for kk plus a draw.

Limerick have beaten Kilkenny once since long before you were born, I wouldnā€™t be getting ahead of yourself. The one time you met them in a final in the Cody era ye shat the togs. Cody was being nice that day not running up the score.


I think Limerick famously beat Kilkenny in the 07 All Ireland Final (if you discounted the first seven minutes)


Kk were just lucky the Internet wasnā€™t invented then.


They won the roaring match that day


Donā€™t mention the roar.


So your admitting Galway have an atrocious record v kk under Cody? Limerick were usually 10 points worse than kk so all told limericks record is grand against them. Iā€™d love to play kk again this year in a semi final or a final as we would beat them Comfortably.

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Across the span of Kilkennyā€™s dominant years under Cody 2000-15 when they amassed those 11 All Irelands, nobody knocked Kilkenny out of the Championship more often than Galway. Galway and Cork did it twice. Tipperary did it just once in the eight years they faced Kilkenny and thatā€™s it.

Kilkenny have tailed off since 2015, pretty much everybody beats them now.


Tipp have hammered kk twice in all Ireland finals. Galway havenā€™t beaten him in an all Ireland final. 2000-05 cork were arguably the best team about.

Tipperary have a record of 2 wins 1 draw 7 defeats from 10 championship meetings against Kilkenny in the Cody years. A 25% success rate.

Cork have a record of 2 wins 4 defeats from 6 championship meetings, a 33.3% success rate.

Galway have a record of 6 wins 3 draws 11 defeats from 20 championship meetings, a 37.5% success rate.