All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Do you want to flesh that out a bit, if youā€™re able.

In the 30s yes, since then no.

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All the Limerick and Galway lads are burning off a lot of net fuel at a very early stage of what will surely be a long season for both of them. Yeā€™ll be net gassed by the time the semis roll around at this rate lads.

Iā€™m fucked already.

Wow, just wow.
Championship starts next weekend guys.


A rake of Dentonā€™s reffed them. That explains it.

Limerick lads acting the maggot today again I see

And after all that, the opportunity beckons over the coming few games to put the final nail in the Tipp survivors of minor 06 & 07. Every county should want to do that but who will take the scalp?

Iā€™m not able, youā€™re too clever for me.

Nobody. Tipp will gracefully fall apart next year in their traditional futile attempt to retain.

Sure the next few games are Tipp V Limerick, followed by Tipp V Limerick again in the MF, so thatā€™s two games of shadowboxing in anticipation of the AI final between the same two teams?

I thought as much

Cody wouldnt shadow box. Heā€™d want to lay down a marker.
The simple fact that teams can end up playing each other twice or even three times in the championship makes a mockery of the current system imho.

500 posts in a day on this thread and it only June.

It might need to happen though flatty before they do something about it

Split Limerick in two.

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Sure we played Tipp 3 times in 3 weeks in 07 with replays.

Is there anything to be said for putting Galway straight into an all Ireland semi final every year or would that put ye at too big a disadvantage? Or advantage. I canā€™t remember which.

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An All-Ireland semi-final is a wonderful occasion. We are very fortunate to have experienced so many, with or without the bye.


Not to mention the finals ye got a bye into.

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