All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Thank fuck ye came down. Two of the wins were against ye

are you feeling left out?

Left out? They’re taking into account bragging rights from wins in the 1940s here, I’m in my element

It’s all pure scutter but shur fuck it.

The Brexiteers do that as well

Limerick’s last win in the 1940s was in 1940

Their Dunkirk

A handy All Ireland last year and they bate the shite out a useless Clare and Waterford team, all of a sudden they are the greatest team in history

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It’s bad when the Clare lads start getting involved. Weren’t ye supposed to dominate hurling for a decade after 2013?

There you go moving the goalposts again. I specifically referenced the odd occasion when Limerick got out of Munster and their record against Galway in the AI series. I already conceded that Galway weren’t a hurling county in the 60s as we were busy winning football AIs, although Limerick weren’t much better.
So, 4 wins each (I assume you got pre 1980 right and couldn’t be arsed checking) and a draw, so level as I said earlier.

More importantly, in modern day hurling rather than prehistoric, Galway have an excellent record against the big three in comparison to all the other second tier counties. Since 1980, the cut off you set yourself, we have beaten Tipp, Cork, and Kilkenny combined far more often in the AI series than any other county.

Galway would have had more opportunity to meet them in the AI series in that time frame … anyway, who gives a fuck. Draw a line under it and move on ffs.

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Fuck up.

Come here. You started off trying to make a case for an overall comparison in which you alleged that in overall terms Limericks record was shite when compared against Galway.
When @anon78624367 gave you some facts and figures you went backwards quicker than an Italian . Now you’re trying to bring up Galways record against the big 3.
Make up your mind will you

I didn’t say that at all, in fact by every sensible measure Galway are Limerick are equal.

I do.


How many times were Celtic beaten in the SPLIT this year? Does that taint your 8 in row

In senior ic hurling. But for all other age grades, ic or club, hurling or football, they wouldn’t be in the same league.

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No contradiction there, Galway and Limerick’s record is essentially equal, against each other in meaningful championship matches and against other serious hurling counties. No point fighting over a comb.

Correct, but if we go down that road they’ll probably brig up rugby.

Ye’ve so many goalposts moved now, ye don’t even know whether it’s a soccer, rugby or gah pitch yere moving on

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No Limerick are miles ahead of ye and always have been. Don’t be deluding yourself.