All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***


Itā€™ll have zero effect on wexford gaa. ā€œWordā€ is missing the biggest backer and as long as he is on board, then all is fine. And he is. And he has nothing to do with Davy either. Weā€™ll be grand when Davy goes, truth is, more money is coming in than going out.

Michael Fennelly looks very uncomfortable infront of the camera, the hand waving seems to be a nervous tick

The Sky coverage is far better than RTE


Thereā€™s a chap from Kilkenny beside me half turned around to chat to lads behind him and heā€™s maintaining his balance by firmly resting his hand on my shoulder. So much for my pre match call to arms. Iā€™ve bottled it here.

Wexford Park DJ cranking it up now - Boys of Wexford, Purple & Gold, Boolavogue, Wexford Heart. They always tempt fate by holding Dancing at the Crossroads back until after the match.


Sky saying 4 changes to the Kilkenny side.

Cody is taking the piss here.

Cody dosent do you dummy teamsā€¦me hole.

Kilkenny as good as have ye beaten so

Turn around and stick your elbow into his job. Time to go to war!!

Sky havenā€™t got the changes yet it seemsā€¦

Which sky sports channel is it on

Holden, Morrissey, Buckley, Walsh in for T Walsh, Murphy, Sheehan, Aylward.


Any links

I remember Codyā€™s mouthpiece Martin Breheny doing a piece years ago, when Kilkenny were destroying everyone else, about how everybody should copy him in not naming dummy teams, it shows fear etc.

He hasnā€™t mentioned it much in the last few years.


Wexford enter the pitch to the Rocky theme tune.

Iā€™ll give you all the links you want for 80 quid a year :crazy_face:

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He drops Sheehan and starts Mullen :face_with_raised_eyebrow: