All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

@Bandage have you ever eaten in the Texas steak out?


Davy is more of a chicken Maryland man than lasagne and chips and salad

Dublin didn’t get all that they wanted but they got what they needed

Ye are some shower of useless cunts.

No. They mentioned it but they didnt know what had happened

And start Jack O Connor.

Great night on TFK.
TFK is a hurling forum
Fuck Galway
Etc etc

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Just in the door from that.

Fuck me but those men knew they were alive tonight.

We were infuriating as always with missed touches and playing far too deep when we didn’t have to but Davy is eeking serious courage out of our lads.

Kilkenny are average and with a bit more ambition I’d fancy us to beat them. We matched up very well against them tonight and I don’t expect some of the wexford guys to be as poor again.

Murphy could’ve broken Rory’s legs with that ‘save’. Gary Maguire got a red for something similar.

Horgan blew it up 30 seconds early and Nolan seemed to lose it with him leading to a red card. A clear case of the ref deciding it was a draw.

Cody and his dummy team. Fuck off Brian. Neither Walter nor Buckley were near the pace of the game and Walter looks like he’ll do fuck all training in the next week or so. Buckley might come on for the game though.

A great night. Super atmosphere. It’s a lovely little stadium when the weather is reasonable and it’s great to be able to enjoy nights like that. Local rivalries are class…when they’re competitive.


Not going for pints though as bringing the young lad to a drills/skills(unopposed) training session in the morning.


Is the old firm minor final on the Saturday, pal? @Bandage

Seemingly so. Somebody earlier said it’d be in Portlaoise on the day before the Leinster Final.

Afraid not.

Yes, just reading on d’internet that the stadium clocked stopped at 35 for over half a minute and then restarted.

Daft by whoever’s in charge of the clock.

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Why didn’t ye beat them ye useless cunts. :face_vomiting:


The clock in the ground stalled on 35:00 in the second half for around 45 seconds before moving on again so people at the match thought he blew it up early.

Correct the failure of the back door was never more evident than 2004 when 2 of the coterie of elite franchises reached an All Ireland final that would have read Wexford v Waterford a few years earlier

Ryan and O’Keeffe delighted with the draw. Poor Nolan didn’t get the memo.

He goes to a steakhouse twice a week to eat chicken gougons.

Seoirse Bulfin earned his corn by sprinting on like a maniac to get Fanning to stall over that late free when he was rushing out to hit it quickly.


I was in college with Seoirse. He only sprinted like that when he was on his way to the canteen back then