All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Ref kept Cork in it? Delighted Clare are dumped out with the constant off the ball shit they go on with.

They struggled against Waterford at times as well, although you could make the same argument about Tipp.

Search inside yourself, you know it to be true

The refereeing has been ridiculously inconsistent this year. Today was no different.

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I donā€™t think it the refs that are at fault really. Thereā€™s so much swarming of players in possession or players trying to gain possession that itā€™s an impossible task to try to be consistent. Probably the best way is to leave them at it like last night


Personally think last night was tremendous, Iā€™d be happy If it was reffed like that all the time as long as its consistent


There was a fair bit of bile from a few auld fellas behind me in the stand today. Roaring out ā€œTipp! Tipp! Tipp!ā€ any time their players took a shot at goal, despite if it was waved wide or not, getting up out of their seats first pumping if a Limerick attack broke down and the Tipp backs came out with, even a roar of ā€œsew it into them, sicken themā€ near the end when they were a few points up. Sheedy going buck ape and their management team leaping up and down during the match too. While Limerick were treating it like a challenge match. Two big players going off injured for Tipp as well such was the frenzy that was whipped up there.

Itā€™s hard to get around the fact that Tipp have probably shot their load now and iā€™d be confident enough weā€™ll beat them in two weeks time in the Munster final which will really, really sicken their shit totally after today.


Will the Leinster final be shown on both Sky and RTE or just RTE does anyone know?

Iā€™d be the same, didnā€™t see a whole pile wrong considering the type of game it was. Refs that apply the rules stringently to those type of games will always be castigated. Refs canā€™t win. Umpires and linemen should be giving more assistance to the man in the middle which would be helpful



I donā€™t know but I think it might have been just on Sky one year. It wonā€™t be on both. Thatā€™s just the final and semis

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A horrible shower


Just RTƉ I think they have the rights to both matches.

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Thanks lads.

Will Liam Spratt and Billy Byrne travel up together, I suppose they will

Could be on either. Not sure which one. Donā€™t think it will be on both but it might be.

Hope that helps


Unlikely Iā€™d say.

I had a grand oul natter with Billy last night about Spratt. Billy is very fond of him.

Small time mentality from Kiely & Co has rubbed off on Limerick supporters. Scared of their shit that they couldnā€™t bate us twice in 3 weeks. You wouldnā€™t see that from the likes of Cody.


Theyā€™re putting a lot of stock in the two injuries arenā€™t they