All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

The silent majority have spoken.

That was a lovely piece. My Da is going to love this. He is from Graiguenemanagh and is a similar age to Oliver and has loads of stories about a lot of the characters mentioned. Pat “The Diamond” Hayden is one of the great GAA nicknames.


PM has a very good eye for a story

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Gay pride?

Listen to this cunt, and the roaster blood coursing through his veins :smile:


The Diamond spent his last few decades running a shop on the cross in Callan with his wife, Maureen.
I was young when they died but remember them as lovely people.

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The mask slips

Culchie this, bogger that and a verified redneck. Welcome aboard pal


I’ve never denied my culchie heritage

You’re a conflicted character


Think its more barrrrrrns

Like I said I’ve never denied my culchie heritage

I think they’re confusing you with Scumspot.

What an absolute gentleman.

Limerick supporters look to have aged badly

I thought the Temporarily Named After A Recently Deceased Former Hurling Player Until Its Renamed After Another Former Hurler Who Dies Cup Final was supposed to be on TG4

The 1953 musical comedy film “Scared Stiff” is on instead

When Ireland played Cameroon in the early hours during the 02 world cup TV3 was showing a repeat of a Celtic match from earlier that year,

I don’t know why your post made me think of that.

Anything odds against for Limerick winning now is crazy value

Limerick look to have adopted the Galway model of cruising through the round robin phase in 2nd gear and hitting their stride from the Provincial Finals onwards. Unlike Limerick, Galway forgot to make it through the group stages.


An amount of hammerings this year