All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Do you really believe it will be dead in 10 years time? As a geniune rugby man, I’d be interested to hear your reasoning

Yeah i do, it is all basing funding on tv revenue and in the case of england and france backing of rich private investors. The money spent on salaries are ever growing despite salary caps to a point where the house of cards will fall if the investor or support drops, the business of the club is not viable.

The game is changing to suit tv audiences who can change very easily, particularly the goal line drop out instead of 5m scrum law. Professional rugby is increasingly more boring to watch. There isnt a market to support a professional game at this level long term, world rugby and other professional bodies believe they can get to popularity like soccer which is ridiculous, it is a minor sport in a global sense.

Look at home professionalism actually affects the grassroots. South Africa from the 70s to 90s and drop off of grassroots (another dirty saffer secret is they went pro in the 70s/80s as no one else would play them due to apartide) and Wales since 1995.

Less people actually see the game on tv due to fragmentation of tv rights and subscription services . People pay for it now but if the viewership drops the subscription services will drop them.

Add on top of this the incoming head injury claims from ex pros in the 2000s, Steve Thompson is leading this, if, and i feel they will win it will cost 10s of millions and open Pandoras box


1:45 on a Saturday is a shite time for a match and will impact the cork numbers you would think.

Clare will bring 10k or so, numbers will be slightly brought down as a couple of thousand might give it a miss with the footballers in HQ yesterday and the following week and potentially another day in HQ.

Galway will do well to bring 5k, while hard to gauge the Wexford crowd. Would be very surprised if this gets more than 35k

Clare lads hanging on for the semi

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They’ll do well to get 30k at it

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How many did Clare bring to the football in Croker yesterday?

Not really, there were around 14k from Clare at the Waterford game. I’d expect most of that will travel but the football crowd may well decide they would rather the days in Croker which will drop it a couple of k as will it being a Saturday afternoon

A couple of thousand id guess.

Best off and wait for the big day against Kilkenny in Croker

There will be a section who will feel that way no doubt, mostly the crew who’s first match of the year was the Munster final. Same in all counties

I think Wexford will give it a right go next week. Will be huge outsiders.

Clare will rest a nice few for this you’d imagine


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26, 27k max

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Wouldn’t be surprised

Low 30s is about par for a normal exceedingly attractive quarter-final double header in Thurles.

You can knock about 7 or 8 k off that because it’s a Saturday.

Clare v Wexford in Nowlan Park at 7pm would have pushed 30k.

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I’d say ye’ve only played twice in championship in the last ten years and Galway beat Cork comfortably on both occasions. In fact ye battered them in 2015 when Johnny Glynn gave the famous curse interview. Think Joanne went in hard on JBM the same day.

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There was a full house for the double header in Thurles in 2014, though a lot of the Wexford bandwagon left at half time in their game, which was first.