All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Yes, Mike. The long and the short of it, so to speak.

Good luck on Sunday.


Especially with the current Limerick team, because they are so slick in possession.

Call it @Malarkey, what does your head tell you

Pick your poison with limerick, they’ll beat yoiu whatever way you want to play it

I think that comment is fair comment.

I’d have an opinion or two about '89 alright.

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Unless they’re down to 13 men, which I think is very probable in either of the remaining two games.

Dunno we have just done enough so far this year whether that’s us declining, other teams getting better or we’re timing our season perfectly remains to be seen, Sunday will tell a lot

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Column tomorrow. But my gut is more optimistic than I expected about Kilkenny. Think they have a right chance.

Hard enough to construct a scenario where Galway win. Probably needs beaucoup Limerick wides plus a sending off in the first half.

But: Limerick.

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Looking forward to the column…you’re not alone feeling a strange optimism

Cooney and Concannon pushing up according to that graphic :eyes:


I wish I could plagiarize the phrase ‘strange optimism’…

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Hegartys recent interview in which he stated that he does leave the hurl in from time to time,was in my opinion,a bad mistake to make.I think it was on OTB and the main discussion centered around LGBT issues,if I remember correctly.

It kind of smelled like of so what if I do? Brutal honesty or arrogant stupidity or maybe a bit of both but one thing is for sure and thats the next time he flakes, hes going to make the refs job easier.And at this time of year,it could prove very costly.


I’d be amazed if GMac is fit for this.

If he is fit and he’s marking Hayes, has two bigger men ever marked each other?

A really daft thing for him to say.

They were up against each other in 2018 too.

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Cleary and Hayes marked each other this year

Gearoid was injured that day as well.