All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

The media and the eejit that was Lord Mayor of Galway ran away with themselves alright after Galway handpassed a declining Kilkenny team to death in the semi-final.

In reality, Cork were by far the more experienced and better-rounded team going into that final

Cyril Farrell revolutionized hurling

It was a very good Galway team on the up, Cork had a good mixture of youth and experience but they limped past Clare and Antrim.
But yeah, they had some fabulous players

I wouldn’t hear of a bad word said about Cyril
He tweaked it for 87 and 88 and we all know Galway were rode bareback in 89


Cyril after the semi final saying “horses for courses” and then doing exactly the same in the final.

It could well have worked in the final if it was executed properly, though.

As it was, Johnny Crowley could have sat on a deckchair clearing the ball back down the field. Cyril learned his lesson after it, Galway were a far more effective team in subsequent years.

Maybe it was the reason ye were actually close? Would have thought the focus of the whatight have been for Galway that day was losing your two best forwards.

2003 felt like Cork came from nowhere. Albeit there was a great group of players there and they’d won it in 99’ as well before a dip. Clare were highly touted against them after they’d torn Tipp apart in the Munster quarter-final that year.

Do you think if they had gone at Limerick that day they would have been in it going down the stretch?

It was like a fight where the boxer had to take it a certain number of rounds to appease the mob.

Galway were obstinate but if they opened up they would have been beaten with 20 to go. Limerick butchered 3 goals chances namely David Reidy x 2 and Tom Morrissey as well as two shocking wides from David Dempsey.

It was a two point hiding if such a thing exists.

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Are lads seriously reading into games from the Winter Blitz? :grinning:

Another bottle job by the Tribesmen.

I would say Galway were the dominant team of the 80s and 3 AIs could easily have been double that.

You’d hardly ever hear people discuss the Offaly team of the 1980’s. Barely even realised they won in 1985. The 90’s team is much more fondly remembered in the media with the same number of AI titles.

For obvious reasons. The famous comeback in 94 and the shenanigans of 98 were absolute box office.

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Well, I certainly do not think Galway gave themselves best chance by playing with seven defenders. As you say, goal chances accrued anyhow.

Limerick are really formidable. No one doubts this truth. But your only chance is to front up in attack.

We’ve discussed this before. You have to stop Limerick at source. Allowing the full back line to distribute at their ease renders the amount of defenders you decide to filter back irrelevant as they will pick you off from their own 65 onward


It is fair enough to say this, the only way to beat any team is to attack and show their vulnerability.

Strange appointment of such an inexperienced referee in the Galway v Limerick game. He could become a central character in this story yet.

Apparently Kilkenny are flying it in training.

You dont need to let Kilkenny enter your head.
After tomorrow ye lads can focus on Clare and sure ye know well ye have their number.

Great times for the green and white army!