All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Wasn’t a double header last year.
Cork v Galway could end up in Limerick

You’d think it would anyway.

There was Covid last year and 5,000 crowd restrictions or whatever it was for quarter finals.

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As I’ve said all year, Galway are in rebuild mode and should expect some bad days at the office, Saturday being a prime example. I think inconsistency is to be expected in such a situation. Galway’s problem is it’s supporters expectations and knee jerk reactions after a poor result. We are not endowed with a patient public.
In my estimation a very good year for this Galway team would be to reach an AISF and be competitive. That exposure will do wonders for exposing weaknesses that need addressing and showing the players first hand, the level they need to reach. That is all still a realistic possibility.
While Kilkenny are very limited hurling wise, the levels of intensity they can reach are unsurpassed. That was invaluable in the education of this group of Galway hurlers. Now they have lived it, they know.
As a coach, that is pure gold, now you can push and ask the hard questions at training and see what potential for growth is in this team.
Next up is Cork, a dangerous team on the front foot but a bombscare at the back. Galway have been clumsy and messy when trying to knit goal chances together, if they can fix that, which I think they can, they have the bearing of Cork. They can then live with Limerick for 60 minutes in an AISF but don’t yet have the beating of them.
More progress with a few more bumps in 2023 and Galway should be primed for an assault on the championship in 2024.


What’s the chat in Galway ref Handshake Henry’s drama at full time?

Not a blind bit of notice been taken to it, other than finding it mildly entertaining initially and a bit boring now, but as I said, largely irrelevant.
Sport is primal and this is primal behaviour, to be expected. Welcome to the jungle and stay out of my cave or I’ll cut your fucking head off.


The head-shaking walking backwards from the Cody hand shake looked bad.

Looked like he was seething with Cody.

But, id imagine it was the build up of the cameramen pissed him off.

It was one big panto

Cody had turned away…who was he shaking his head at?

Either Cody or the masse of camera men I’d imagine.

Either way, he put himself in a position he didn’t need to be in.
Big learning curve for him.

Sometimes a game gets away from you and he’ll learn a tonne from Saturday evening.

Whether the GY panel will is another question

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Losing is one thing. But the braindead hurling would be worrying for me if I was a Gallimh

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It’s easily addressed though

That’s a good summation.

The only thing I’d add is that for next game he should probably give the likes of Glennon and Kileen the start and quit the 7 at the back set up. Trust your backs.

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I wouldn’t say we’ve really learnt anything after the Wexford or Kilkenny round robin games tbh so I don’t buy into the “Shefflin will learn more from defeat than a win” idealism. Non-existent runners for puckouts and awful supply into the full forward-line isn’t gonna be solved in 2 weeks.

That being said, the players need to take serious responsibility for Saturday. Tactics can only go so far but we butchered straight-forward goal chances.


Why not address it before now then? It seems to be his plan

I get the sense that Galway v Cork will be a big game for TFK, a lot to be gained and lost
Mouth watering

Tis only a game

Whether he saw it or not before He may be forced to act on it now… the point is that they’re still breathing …

How did the bus to Ennis go pal ?

On a road I’d say

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