All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Gloss on the scoreboard there. That was a very poor performance. But delighted for Antrim that they gave a fucking serious cut. They should never be out of the Liam Mccarthy again. Hurling needs Antrim, and Antrim need hurling.

As an aside, Jacko seems to be coming into form. He has to be first sub at least next week IMO.


A hiding to nothing for Cork, Antrim aren’t a bad side tbf


Got enough of a test, without ever being in danger

Cork will beat Galway.

Didn’t see from the GAA Go if Kingston went off injured or was taken off?

Much more comfortable for Wexford. 21 points up with time gone

Cork weren’t great there, looked like they were going to kick into gear at the start of the second half but errors started to creep in and they turned the ball over regularly around the middle of the field. Probably hard to keep going when you feel like you are going to win anyway but they need to up it a lot. Lehane & ROF picked off scores from out the field and that was the difference really, Antrim missed similar chances in the first half.

Antrim gave it a go, and kept going until the end but never actually looked like winning in the second half.

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There’s a perception espoused by some on this board that Cork are the joint best second team in the country with Clare :grinning:

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Cork are back

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Lehane must be red hot favourite for HOTY now.


Tom Dempsey sounding quietly confident on South East Radio about Wexford chances from the long grass against Clare next week.

Better than Clare, some might say


Not on formlines

Cork are positioning themselves nicely here. I’d expect them to beat Galway

Formlines mean fuck all, Cork have won 3 in a row anyway and only lost by 2 to Clare.
Doesn’t matter anyway as they can’t meet this year, both have big tests coming up, (Galway and Kilkenny) will need to be on their game, Cork are flaky enough obviously, but on their day they’ll beat anybody except the obvious

A 2 point hammering, take the blinkers off lad Clare were 10 points the superior team.

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pity they weren’t only 7 points the better team so and we’d have won

Clare were 10 points a better team than Cork that day, on all evidence so far this year Clare are a better team than Cork.