All Ireland Hurling Final 2020 Limerick v Waterford - the * All Ireland

Wouldnā€™t be taking much notice of what a strike-breaking scab has to say about anything.

Iā€™m just after falling through a badly constructed decking and braining myself

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I want them standing back thinking to themselves what the fuck is going on , not for the first 5 minutes but for every fucking minute .fucking manic aggression.

Bate them.up in Wexford park in the league in 19

Just looking at the player profiles in the Paper of Record, Limerick are absolute monsters. 11 of the starting 15 are 6 ft 1 and in most cases a bit more. Itā€™s like reading the stats on a rugby team. Itā€™s going to be very hard for a lighter, smaller and wristy Waterford team to deal with that physicality.

Iā€™m in ribbons

Youā€™re some plank

The leg is tore asunder

Jayses if twas tomorrow evening and if wed won, I might have some sympathy for you

Iā€™m not looking for sympathy brother. Iā€™m looking to kill time until the 20s match

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Iā€™m making Rice Krispie buns :joy::joy:

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A visual metaphor of the Celtic Tiger and subsequent crash


Iā€™ve a right rub down my knee as a tattoo

I was pleased to see that Austin Gleeson had become an engineer. The guy can literally turn his hand to anything.

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Have my program for the match.


I think Ozzie is working with TQS Integration, the team sponsors. Thereā€™s no end to his talent.

A bit like Tony Browne whoā€™s had a fair few jobs and careers in his time

I have one pre-ordered with the publishers DBA. Hasnā€™t arrived yet. Did you pick it up in Centra? I believe theyā€™re selling them in Centra outlets in Waterford and Limerick.