All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

Or a judo throw

Im in great form and great to see so many likewise. Is the sun shining for you?

You dont seem it?

He loves an aul thrun ball

Heā€™s not even the best player born in 1996 in his village.

The voyeur seems to have a serious horn for you, you made a tit of him somewhere didnā€™t you? Not to worry he normally gives up there isnā€™t much fight in the Leix blood.

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Who is it between?

Quite an interesting idea that. TG4 should give it a shot.


Yeah a bit peculiar but sure heā€™s a harmless auld Laois man

The sulkies are circlingā€¦

Meh id say there is a few local females who wouldnā€™t consider him harmless.

Absolute scenes


Buzz will be along shortly to save you.

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Contrast that to the Connolly half chance had where he slipped in the second half, even if he hadnā€™t slipped he was never getting any kind of shot off due to Hogan ably assisted by Leen suffocating him, fairly might i add, so that he simply couldnā€™t do anything.

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Giddy up me aul pal. Giddy the fuck up.

At least your trying, carry on.


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There it is, baited and checkmated.

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Ah stop. You didnt did you?

If by trying you mean recycling inane shite over and over again and pandering to the handy likes of a few auld reliables