All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

He could be a future HOTY if he keeps putting himself in those positions

He was just living in the moment Iā€™d say.

Sometimes when you are getting on so much ball you donā€™t have time to reflect on the misses at the time. Because Clare were there or there abouts all game Iā€™d say it was just a case for him to keep going, showing and putting in maximum effort.

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He is gas, he is putting up decent scores all year despite letting things pass him by and doing the bare minimum without the ball.

Then Sunday he is covering every blade of grass, contesting and winning puck outs, back making hooks 20 odd yards from his own goal, 25 or so possessions. You couldnā€™t have asked for any more in terms of attitude and effort from him and he leaves about 1-6 behind him :melting_face:


He gave an outrageous assist for Ian Galvin at the start of extra time which TV didnā€™t do justice. Won the ball down the left sideline, waltzed through a tackle and sold it that he was going to ping a cross field ball into the the right corner forward position before delivering a beautiful no look pass in front of Galvin down in the left corner.

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Himself and Coleman are a good match

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Limerick deserve no all stars. Leave those things to the winners


Would conlon not be in with a decent shout? Hes been great this season.


Very possibly with Downey pushed to wing back. There is usually lads moved around so they can fit in a few deserving lads.

That could happen actually. It would be a very Rte thing to do.

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Limerick were still the best side in it imho. The cork result was an outlier mainly because the performance of cork was them at their absolute brilliant best.
I think Limerick are worth 4 at least. In truth, hereā€™s the question, if you were picking a 15 to represent the country now in some fictional world cup, who would be in it?
A spine of Limerick lads Iā€™d suspect.

I think it is two out of three for Clare and someone has to lose out - Conlon got one last year and Downey the pick of the cork half backs which is against him.

Maybe. I think conlon was iconic this year though, league and championship.
Honestly, Iā€™d like to see quaid and quilligan both get one.
Itā€™s scary just how very very far off Galway are at present. You couldnā€™t even put up a token argument for anyone albeit Iā€™d have Daithi Burke at 3 in do or die game.

Youā€™d wish the All-Stars were picked on this basis rather than what happened in the last three matches. Even at that, I donā€™t think Limerick would dominate such a side. Too much hurling in fits and starts this year.

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If quiligan doesnā€™t make that mistake the first day who knows what could have happened.

Back to the wall though? Iā€™d want gillane, hegarty, lynch, byrnes , quaid, and if Sean Finn was fit.
Nasher too.
Flanagan just because heā€™s cool as fcuk.

Tommy Walsh had an interesting team which I found hard to argue with. He put Rob Downey to 3 with Conlon at six. Slight cop out but probably a fairer selection


Heā€™s never too far wrong. I think conlon was the most iconic player of the season. The rock on which Clare were built, and others foundered. He was simply immense this season all season.

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Iā€™ve heard the dark forces at work regarding Kyleā€™s All Star may also have tampered with his cars brakes. Very dark stuff.


Iā€™d have both Rob Downey & Conlon in the team. Conlonā€™s display on Sunday was iconic. Thought he was in for a tough time when Barrett looked rampant early on but he just thundered into the game. Sheer force of will & all those characteristics like defiance & resilience. He was like an old school warrior out there. Hopping off lads & coming out with ball.


The flick late in extra time on Fitzgibbon with the ball perfectly landing into David Mcinerneyā€™s hand leading to a Clare score was unbereal