All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

Video refereeing for hurling :roll_eyes: Hoggie needs to take his beating like a man.

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VAR has ruined football. They can fuck off out of it

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Hard to disagree with him in fairness. Most people agree johnny Murphy reffed a good game for the most part but he got a number of big calls wrong and against cork. You’d have to be sick knowing you were the better team and were robbed by refereeing errors, even if they were innocent mistakes.

Hoggie boi really presents himself as a rather disagreeable individual, constantly complaining about one thing or another. It’s particularly ironic given that, following the All Ireland, he confessed to not being physically fit to play, concealing his inability to sprint. Did he truly believe that, in this day and age, a team could afford to carry someone who wasn’t fully fit and still expect to win! Cork will not win an All Ireland until he retires. A gobshite.


Itll ruin the game. Look at soccer ffs

The Cork lads are hurting bad. Johnny Murphy traveled to Ballyhea in North Cork the week after the final to referee a challenge match but had to cut the game short due to the relentless abuse from the Ballyhea supporters.

The following weekend, the Cork hurling team embarked on what one only could be described as a “losers’ tour” of the pubs in North Cork. During this tour the boozed up loosers , were to be heard at every opportunity gleefully chanting a rather pathetic & moronic little ditty “we stopped the drive for 5,” in a feeble attempt to antagonise the Limerick patrons. Complete fucking clowns.


The Limerick lads are hurting bad.


Disappointed. Similar to 2013 but we’ve had success at least. We have gone away you know

Delighted to see lesser counties wining one :+1:

A shur look at. Losing a final to Spain and losing a final to Clare 7 days later will leave scars I suppose


Completely impractical. Even if it only looked at scores it would delay the fuck out of every game (and fuck up Cork’s puck outs more than most teams).

We don’t need var… Better linemen and umpires, or more involvement, would go a long way to helping a ref. There’s simply too much happening for one guy to get everything right.

Johnny Murphy had a great final overall


Making up lies and all it is very sad

They took losing the drive for five very bad

Paddy needs to move with the times and embrace technology.

Fuck Tipp

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Ah jaysus that’s an awful take. How much would they have been beaten by without him? He made some tricky frees look easy which others would have probably missed.
He can’t have been that unfit when he lasted 100 minutes of end to end intense hurling.

Not really. We had a great run sure.

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The truth hurts obviously.

You didn’t hear the Limericks crying about var in 2019.