All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

They are in a hapeā€¦lot of them rooting around now for last minute holidays

Doubt most hurling fans would pick Rodgers over Hayes, or even over Horgan.

Depends what you are looking for, Hayes has had two fine games against Limerick but hadnā€™t exactly lit it up in any other championship matches close to that standard. Rodgers has had a number of excellent matches in the past two years in both the full and half forward line.

Horgan while still an excellent finisher is not the player he was at the end of the last decade.

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Hayes was brilliant against Limerick but itā€™s fair to say that was the exception rather than norm all season where he has been good without being great. Need both him and Connolly to perform to that level on Sunday

You have to laugh at the Carkies ā€“ all they want is smoke blown up their hole - shur godā€™helpus.

Theyā€™ve been demanding Limericks to come out for a bit of ā€˜banterā€™ for years ā€“ the Limericks make one barb agin Cork and theyā€™re screaming about bitterness and sour grapes. Youā€™ve one fella preaching to us about how inter county hurling is all about having a laugh and please donā€™t take it so seriously ā€“ two tiny comments about Cork being a British royal family stronghold (which it is) and he has a mental breakdown, screaming about about bitterness ā€“ lolz. Shur god love him ā€“ it could be a repeat of the Taylor Swift cryfest all over again in his house when it dawns on his eldest that she wont be able to chase jersey in the woodlands this year.

As for the rubby fella ā€“ 6 years of his wife and kids wearing Limerick jerseys looking down on him as an inferior in his own home must be some shock to the system for a Cork man. You can almost feel the repressed rage bursting through the screen ā€“ heā€™s doing some job to hold it back till Sunday. Iā€™d say keep an eye on the news headlines Sunday evening on this one.

On the final, Cork are massive, massive favorites - but Iā€™ll be cheering loudly for Clare. Thereā€™s no love lost between Limerick and Clare ā€“ weā€™d gladly murder each other. But when it comes to Cork, Kilkenny and Tipp ā€“ Iā€™d go to war and die for any Clare man ā€“ even the fella behind the Clare Times. Iā€™m sure most sound minded people will take great joy seeing Pa Pat Patrick Hoggie Horgan in a heap of tears come Sunday evening.

Safe travels to all heading along, I hope you have a great day out.


Oh deary me speaking of fellas holding in an explosion for weeksā€¦thatā€™s some splatter across the screen kidā€¦welcome back you uucoam

Psā€¦only one of my kids deserted their place of birthā€¦the remainer will be rewarded with a trip to the final whilst my @thelimericks can wallow at home

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Flanagan calling out the Limerick fans.

Did he? Must have missed it as only heard him compliment cork fans. Can you quote this calling out he did for me?

Their bellies are full

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Could have really done with another week in the calendar to allow this fixture the space it needs to breathe.

Obviously Iā€™m mostly rooting for Johnny Murphy on the day and hoping he can engineer some sort of con-troversy that means nobody wins (if anyone has it in his locker, he does) but if pushed Iā€™ll be siding with Clare, mainly because I think Cork will win one anyways in the coming years regardless. Wouldnā€™t say the same for Clare.


Iā€™m very jealous of the cork and Clare fans anyway. The build up is invariably superb fun.

What are you jealous about. Limerickā€™s wildest dreams have been realised over the last six years. Sit back and enjoy it.


That they are in the final and we arenā€™t.

Simpleton :joy:


Jayses kid. Youā€™re a betting man. Had you gone into the bookies in January 2018, what odds would you have gotten on limerick winning 6 munsters on the trot, 5 all Ireland and 4 in a row?

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Iā€™m not sure what your point is tbh.

I just want to be in the final next Sunday.

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The point is you wouldnā€™t have done it. It was nothing but a dream. Itā€™s happened now. Relax and let someone else have their day

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To quote Bruce Springsteen:

Poor man wanna be rich
Rich man wanna be king
And a king ainā€™t satisfied until heā€™s won all the All Irelands, forever.

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