All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final


Simpleton Mike…. Edit eh

Another joint had tonight harry . :grinning::grinning::grinning::face_holding_back_tears::grinning:

Looking forward to the game on sunday. Fierce excitement down here in fairness flags and bunting everywhere. Good craic in work. Mondays going to be fair quite

Nasty stuff here last night, drink was taken.

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There’s no fear of that.
They don’t even know how to hold a hurl properly….


What’s wrong with that?

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Some lads liking this haven’t been seen or their farts smelled around here since Limerick got their bating.

Clare will win by 6 points.

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They have the Clare jersey spot on in fairness to them

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The man from the home of cack-handedness has spoken


Kyle Hayes scored a goal holding the hurl like that and the Limericks simultaneously ejaculated in their pants.

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Cork will be scoring them with their langers on Sunday…


My niece, who I say has been to less tthen 5 Cork games in her lifetime, has a bloody ticket.

How did she get it? Seems to be a few freeing up now anyway as usual

You might throw those freeing up my way mate :+1:

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An outstanding sense of entitlement and lack of self awareness from Landers here.


He’s some cunt. Just an insufferable an arsehole. His ego is gone out of control.