All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

I’m in the money… gwan Laois, etc

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I really dislike the dubs and dubliners in general


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You’d never guess.

It’s nothing personal

I’ll take that all things considered. As close as anyone will get to them in Leinster and done after that start and the sending off. The best three plays of the game as well

1-Attride’s goal
2-Meaney absolutely burying Brogan and watching him crawl off the field minutes later
3-Johnno putting MDMA’s nose all over his face after his dirty dig.

Dublin a serious outfit and will be hard bet obviously. But any side that allows Dean fucking Rock score 1-10 :smile:

I’m off for pints.

State of Jim Gavin here

You rarely see Diarmuid Connolly do interviews but did he do one this evening?


A non-event. And unfortunately Leinster is full of dross like Laois, the Dubs first real game will likely come in the quarter final, unless they draw a back door Leinster team then.

That must be close to fastest goal scored in championship football.

I came into the room just as the Sky coverage was ending and Jim Gavin was in the studio standing in front of them screens with stats the likes of Gary Neville would be pointing at. Was he giving a breakdown on where the game was won or what? Bizarre to see a manager in the studio with the analysts right after a game. :smile:

And there in one is why Laois will always be a bunch of no marks…“johno” will be the hero of Laois…for the night’s that in it…hon Laois…

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Fuck sky and all the money hungry cunts on it,gavin should have told them to fuck right off

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??? So

It’s a rubbish article with some good points.

Yeah sure a massive gap is great because we can practice scoring points. Fuck off.

And Cillian O’Connor practiced 45s in his 3 months break. Good man Cillian. He is the free taker ffs.

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The Laois no.14 couldn’t run.

As unfit a player as I’ve seen tog out. Blew his gasket after one run. The guys 20 years old. Something odd there. Shameful. I suspect something is going on with him.

McAuley was seething with his thump. Unreal to see someone finally split him for all his fuck acting. When he came back on he spent the entire time trying to hit lads.

Possibly injured but he didn’t seem to be notably grimacing after running, he just didn’t seem able to run. Is he normally that slow?

Not at all, usually a very forceful runner. Has been carrying a shoulder injury since the U21 but even so, he completely blew up.