All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Dublin have a backroom team of 30 plus.

Gourmet Food Parlour is the company supplying the meals to senior players.

Given Sherlock and Bernard Dunne are in their backroom team doing god knows what* thats not surprising.

*I’ve heard what, but still.

I assume they will do their prehab and S&C stuff in new facility in Abbotstown when its finished with Cullen. They had use of NADA (which is only up the road) when Kennedy was the main guy.

Yeah. One pitch exact measurements and same surface as Croke Park there too :smirk:

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You should get up to see it. The floodlights alone are a piece of work.

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Yeah Kennedy had his own pretty successful business with the NADA set up near Blanchardstown. they arent cheap, but they do have a good set up and used well, is quite useful. A handy resource for Dublin to have to hand, but seems like their new centre will give them their own facilities now, so they just need someone to run them. So long run, they’ll probably be saving money, but getting more out of it.

And will probably pull in one of the NADA staff to work for them most likely. NADA are excellent at what they do though.

I also thought this centre in Abbotstown was a “national” centre and it was national funds providing it. Now may as well be realistic, it was never going to be that, I’m just surprised that they have dropped the facade and are just calling it a Dublin centre. Did Dublin GAA have to contribute any funds to it, like all other counties (except Kildare and Mayo) did for their own centres of excellence?

What’s does NADA stand for?

National Athlete Development Academy

They contributed NADA.


thought as much. I know some try say that fair play to Dublin and they get what they deserve etc, but the financial inequality is absolutely massive. And all this shite about “money doesnt make players” and all that, is a load of crap too. If you can afford to have a centre of excellence built for you, if you can afford to employ over 100 full time coaches, then you can afford all the other perks and training advantages other counties cant do as they are paying for the main things first in establishing some sort of coaching standards. Nothing will ever change though, so there is little point moaning about it every year. Wont stop me though.


How much did it cost?

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a quick search online indicates that it was to cost over €9m but that Dublin were putting in €2m into it. That would be great wouldnt it? Invest €2m and get a centre for €9m.

I’ve said it before on here but if the money that has been fucked at Dublin hurling in the last while was instead spread around the country the game would be in much better shape.


No county is anywhere near this. Kerry are not as good as you think. Watch their injuries this year at Senior level. Their system is different though and they arguable don’t need the 5 year olds getting develooment coaches as much as others.

Killkenny are on a par development wise and you would probably find Mayo and a couple of Nordie counties similar. Cork are obviously an absolute mess although there are some very good people doing some very good things like Kevin O’Callaghan but would you believe he is doing it part-time (full-time) and for free and is working a farm. Thats Coaching Development. Writing it down makes it even more mental.

What was Kennedy doing?

Cullen will be excellent in this role. Mind you, from the bit of insight i got into Leinster S&C its a long way off. The IRFU started off with a good model but have stagnated big time, at all levels.

Would that not be a common enough contribution?

Now, the difference is Dublin have the resources to pay a much higher contribution than other counties.

I know Tyrone covered half the costs with the rest coming from GAA and local authorities for their centre in Garvaghey.

How many Kerry players missed big Championship missed games with injuries this year?

Marc O’Se in the final? Is that it?

No different to counties racking up ridiculous debts getting bailed out all the time

They do have to share it though and i believe Olympic and sponsored athletes get first call and time slots.

Its very common around the world for these types of centres to be used by teams. At least they contributed something. Not a huge advantage that place over other counties.

The money for Cullen and 10p coaches is though.
Mind you i would be totally fine with 109 coaches (think its great really) if they distributed money everywhere based on population to invest in other counties.

A coach can do 2 schools a day, 10 a week. So i thi k thats where they need to be. GAA is in a bad place and i think people on the ground are not accepting the old bull shit anymore. The schools are begging for activities and coaches. 2 School Principals have tried to get me in doing movement coaching, 2 GAA clubs blocked it, one my own because they were aftaid of upsetting another coach. Parents are furious. This or similar is a regular story in my circles. Rugby just turns up, with shit loads of gear and t-shirts etc and absolutelt blows GAA away. They also incorporate Movement skills in their rugby. Win-Win. Who will parents support?