All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat


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A point that East Londonderry Member of Parliament, Gregory Campbell has made on many occasions.

can you post up a few links to this please bro?

Well someone who was at the last 2 games thinks he is ruining the defenders individuality and they can hear him from the sideline barking orders. I’m all for that but the impression that was given (by a county footballer himself) was it was way too much and he felt on one very particular occassion he put Noel Galvin off when Galvin himself had put himself in a good position.
If what i think is going on there (and this really is just an educated guess) is a lack of coaching of how to defend( in a general sense) and a lack of nous being passed on (ahem shields!). Numerous teams now are getting numbers back, but only a handful actually defend and can tackle. Galvin is old school so i was happy to see that approach from management and look at skills rather than athleticism. So maybe he won’t be a loss. Or they are so used to him now ot will be a loss, hard to know.

Bit of an update as for bomber et al. Shows how much out of the talk i am these days, but apprenetly the week after Shields was dropped he went out and literally dropped all 3 O’Driscoll brothers with the Barrs against Carbery. To those there it was plainly obvious he targeted them. The following day he flew to NYC and is now playing over there. The O’Driscolls seem like alot of hassle by the sounds of it and were behind pushing Shields and Halloran out. I believe they were not happy about Walsh and Cadogan going back. They also reared up after the Tipp loss in the dressing room giving shit to other players. Fairly loose information now but probably 2nd hand. Seems to fit with everything else i have been told about them.
They clearly do not respect management as i saw the way they looked up to Morgan with UCC so obviously its something personal.
Alot of pub type talk, but it adds up with general view of the squad and body language. Typically look like a squad that could take off if the ball rolls well for them on the day, or could take a clipping from a decent team.
Has been signs of mental strength but i always believe its easy to come from behind. The real good sides lead well from the front as well and can smoother oppositions purple patches.
Great to see skill in Powter and young Hurley get its go. With Paddy Kelly in the team and McGuire becoming an unstoppable force they are well placed. Managements ability to motivate and have them primed for CP is cruical. But as mentioned, i think Cork have the legs on Donegal, so just stay in the game, never more than 3 points away.

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Hope Shields doesn’t get homesick in NYC!

What does he do with himself?

He wasn’t far off one of our best players a few years back pity he didn’t maintain form

He got fucked by senseless management.
He is a centre back/midfielder. He did a brilliant job transferring to full back but Cutberts ignorance and romanticism cost him dwar giving him no protection at all. He was superb against Kerry last year at centre back, and then they moved him again.
He has a Bio-Chem degree or something but he may have become a teacher since. Don’t know to be sure but that would fit with fucking off.

He will go ballistic in NYC. He is a mental cunt.


You have to grudgingly admire the Dublin PR machine, much like everything else in their backroom team, its far better funded, professional, and therefore miles ahead of everyone else in the country.

To win an All Ireland from here given the absences, could possibly be the greatest one of all time.

Also for the other counties to allow Dublin win an All Ireland with their current defensive absentees would make a mockery of the entire thing.

They employ a Marketing Manager for God’s sake, and I think a digital marketing person as well.

Absolutely nuts.

They’re operating in a different stratosphere. May as well let them off playing exhibition games among themselves in a few years like the Harlem Globetrotters.

eh, have you not seen the Wexford twitter or facebook pages pal? Some serious PR going on there!

He’s not obsessed with Wexford though, so give the guy a break.

Ha, you’ve never seen my posts about the Wexford social media accounts so!

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I think you’ll find MBB is a regular commenter of the Wexford twitter account and all its gloriously biased tweets

I’m starting to come around to its sheer and utter lunacy :grinning:

Sunday should be good, the minor hurling followed by the senior. Hopefully they wont shoot their load like they did one other time and use up all their days tweet allocations like they did one time before for a double header game.

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Is that a thing? I never realised. Could do with it on here for some of the cunts posting round the clock :rage:

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt there, I should have known better :flushed:

yeah apparently so. Or else their limit per hour or something. they missed the second half of a game and ended up using other accounts to keep the score updates going.

who would be the first here you’d cull for endlessly posting inane shit and clogging up the board?:wink: