All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

The dream may be dead, everyone back to Rosies already lads

Blood in the water

Have Shannonside FM sent out Willie for a well deserved junket?

Willie is out there alright Sid.

I know a few bucks out there. Christ there’d be some crack were they to be bet.

NY would probably have to give us a walkover as 90% of the team have no green cards

1-13 0-10 now

:astonished: fuck what’s left?

Ten mins I think

NY GOAL chance deflected OVER

This is unbelievable stuff

I’d heard it said that Roscommon fielded a weakened team. Cant say I’d know enough about them to know tbh, but shocking insult if so.

Johnny Glynn subbed off there now.

29 mins gone ros emptying the bench


Looks strong on paper.
Best NY side in a while and not carry any old school fellas these days who didn’t lead what one may consider an “athletes” life.

That was the best thing about ex-pat football. Everyone trained hard, but everyone (bar a few annoying nordies) played hard too. Up to very recently it was old school.

Is this on the tellybox?

Down to 2 pts now


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Go fuck yourself you hun cunt

I thought the OCHO was showing it?