All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Thanks Captain Obvious.

So you are saying Walsh is a steroid user? Thanks, that’s all I wanted.

I said everyone on TFK knows tearing the hamstring off the bone is associated with roid use, isnt that what Paulie was at.

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A friend asked him why he couldn’t get on the team, he said “there’s more to it than meets the eye”, doesn’t seem to be form/footballing reasons anyway. Fitz cutting off his nose to spite his face?

No player who’s come back from any length of time in Aussie Rules has ever come back better, and they usually come back considerably worse.

Ciaran Kilkenny had a lucky escape.

Hard to really gauge. Most are going over there now without having any senior football or a very limited amount under them.

just like last years AI final ,why don’t Kerry put the gooch on o Sullivan if the latter has a sweeping role?..surely it will afford gooch the space he needs now his legs aren’t as fast and when he’s inside like last sunday there’s nobody to kick the ball into him properly…o’donghue , geaney and O’Brien inside getting the ball put into their mouth from him would make them a serious danger… Kerry could do worse than plant mark griffin at centre back and leave him there…he lacks pace but has serious strength and hits everything…you see the way Kilkenny was breezing past fitzgerald…Kerry need a big mullocker in centre back and griffin fits the bill…Crowley looks much better on the wing too…he was dragged out of middle too easily in last years AI final and Dublin ran through at will…i’m still sticking to a Kerry tyrone all Ireland final

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I don’t think Kerry have a chance in a match with Dublin. I think they are damaged goods mentally in that regard.

I think Cork may win Munster this year, I feel that Kerry will have a pretty lax attitude to Munster and may welcome the loss as it will throw them on the other side of the draw to Dublin and hope one of Mayo, Tyrone, Donegal or even Monaghan can cone through the back door and do a number on Dublin in the semi/QF stage.

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That is very possible.

Wont matter though right?

I see you have a new stalking subject, best of luck

Because I responded to your post I’m stalking you? You’re an odd one.

They’ve done that before iirc. Can’t remember what year it was but Gooch had a great first half making the play, but then Dublin just stuck a man-marker on him (might actually have been O’Sullivan) and he was completely snuffed out of the game. Someone help me out here?


You’re not following his thinking. By placing Cooper close to COS, it would leave someone else on PMM rather than Cooper being gobbled up by him and having to chase him back. It would also mean COS would have a little more to consider than just his sweeping andnplaymaking role.

However it’s not always as simple as that. Cooper could move towards COS, but it can turn into a Lar and Tommy scenario quite easily too, with Cooper following COS around with PMM hanging around also for the crack and either breaking with Cooper now having two to track.

I get what he’s saying alright, but it’s the 2013 semi I’m thinking of with regard to that move. COS started midfield that day, then dropped back to quieten Gooch. I just don’t think that would discomfit Dublin all that much, they have enough athletic ball players at the back that even if Gooch was causing bother they could afford to sacrifice O’Sul or PMM to a purely negative role like that. I don’t think Kerry carry enough threat up front to stretch Dublin as is.

We’re up and running this evening in Gaelic Park. Great summer in store touch wood

Blow it up ref

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Looks like we’re all set up for a sensational All-Ireland football final showdown between Johnny Glynn’s New York and Anthony Cunningham’s Laois.