All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

I did, I read all of it. I thought it was poor. The writing style was simplistic, and was prone to a tabloid-like tone and assertions of what things should be keying you to socio/psychopath behaviour. Anyone with any experience of academia would treat this sort of thing with the very least suspicion, if not outright disregard.

And no, I’m not a psychotherapist. But neither is the person who wrote the piece. She’s written quasi-psychological books that seem to be nearing the trashy, lowest common denominator end of the scale of books on psychological conditions. Trashy is a convenient segue to host of the article - the website you’re putting forward is also of questionable ethical character and respectability.

Psychology is incredibly complex, and to post up a clickbait article of highly contestable quality and accuracy and to then further compound by claiming “if you have 16-17 out of 20 you’re a sociopath” is absurd.


:grinning: to what you playing dumb (so being a cunt) or the outrageous post about zaltan ?

Why are you talking about Zlatan on the All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 thread?

because im stoned, keep up buddy


Right. We agree psychology is complex. Well done.
Other than that you are talking rubbish.

Its a bridging article. Do you understand what that is?

If we agree its complex, why would you assert that diagnosing a serious psychological condition can be done through totting up the scores of a box ticking exercise?

In what way am I talking rubbish? I’ve outlined the faults I’ve found with the article you’ve posted. Are you saying I’m taking rubbish for a particular reason? Do you contest that the writer has limited bona fides to be holding her up as an authority, or someone who could be believed when making so many unsupported claims? Do you think Thought Catalog is in fact a reputable source in spite of the torrent of negative coverage it receives?

I can’t say I’ve ever come across the term “bridging article”. I can’t imagine any piece of information that is used for bridging purposes would have any credence in serious clinical circles though.


Fella, it was a clinical psychologist who sent it on to me. She was the one who said being 16/17 of them was very worrying. I had given her a short synopisis of dealings i had with someone.

Bridging pieces are scientific articles written for public consumption

I wonder what clinical psychologists would think of fabricating characters and stories in order to give yourself some self-perceived credibility.

How is that article scientifically backed?

How do you not see at this stage that i am the antithesis of a needy cred seeking langer.

You are that very thing, otherwise you would not see the need to invent people and stories when you are exposed as needy and clueless bullshitter on the INTERNET.

The cognitive dissonance in that pair of statements is amazing.

I have never, ever, been shown to be a liar about anything. And believe me people have investigated, including some crazies from this forum.

The fact is you are somebody who does not have the ability to think for themselves, like the majority of aociety these days.

You’re lying just now, maybe you really are that delusional?

I’m well noted for my cynicism round here which shows very much the stark opposite of what you are trying to portray me as.

You are the one who is always passing second hand anecdotal information as the focal point of any theory or opinion you have. I very much need the facts and logic to support when my hammer falls. You have the gullibility and naivety of a 9 yr old.

Amazing? I wouldn’t have thought even if true ots worth “amazing”.

Thats all great.

You feel you have some support now cos someone else disagrees with me.

Its not proof of anything though.

Self fullfilling prophecy

If you found yourself at the controls of a 747 in the middle of the Atlantic and the pilots were dead, would you be able to land it with guidance from the ground?