You haven’t lived until you’ve done coke off a hookers tits
Or @glasagusban’s moms cock.
High functioning pot heads
You get the munchies and no hangover. It’s about the least harmful narcotic you can take.
It takes it’s toll. Same way drinking and drug taking was a doddle up until around when you hit 30. Then it’s very damaging.
Depends on the person, but in general you’re right.
Are you high
It doubles the risk of psychosis.
Where it is legal the strains are a lot stronger too. I know lads in SF who would lose a weekend to it now.
Needless dig at republicanism
South Fingal?
It was at SF, not republicanism.
Wonder who will be the first poster to start the photos of lines
Yes, read what I said.
High functioning pot heads
Go with god
Yep. Exactly what I said.
It is common enough to say what Horsebox said. In fact that there’s an entire genre of film about it. I didn’t disagree with what you’re saying, quite bizarre that you’re rolling out the smilies. Well done on explaining what happens when you smoke it though, very insightful. We all know you’re cool.
I have never taken ecstasy, LSD or anything like it. The odd joint when younger. I always found illicit drugs to be terribly self indulgent, a selfish habit. I found drinking more of a social lubricant amd more fun. I found drugs boring.
Open your mind
Apart from mushrooms. I fuckin loved doing mushrooms, they were tremendous fun.