All your dreams are made when you’re chained to the mirror and the razor blade

Where did they walk him to?


If you are drinking or smoking marijuana every day or even four or five days a week you’re not in a good place. One hidden cost of alcohol is the adverse affect it has on your sleep for two or three days.

If MDMA was legal nobody would bother with alcohol at all.

If you have the discipline to limit a blow out on whatever is your drug of choice to every 6 to 8 weeks then no harm. I find it funny lads lecturing on the dangers of drugs and them drinking pints four nights a week.


Til some lad tied to fly and took off out a sixth floor window*

*nobody ever tries to fly from the ground

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Doing some of the shite that comes into the Irish Market is absolutely dangerous though. It’s not regulated and people are not educated on what they’re doing. Doing a bump of coke is also a different story to a glass of wine or even a joint. I don’t agree on the MDMA point either, people also drink to be social. MDMA is a different type of buzz for many.

It’s not an accident that during prohibition that people en mass flouted the law where as drugs like cocaine it was not the case. Supply is certainly an aspect of it, but it’s also a different type of drug.

The normal lifestyle arguments and relative dangers of the product, and potentially legalizing it, is a different story.



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That says more about you and your friends than anything else

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Why do you have to have a blow out, can you not just enjoy it without tearing the arse out of it?

Edit: Agree re the double standards on drink too. Lads wouldn’t think twice about sinking 50+ units of Alcohol over a weekend but will have a pop at some fella who has a joint or 2 on a Saturday night

If you are drinking 4 times a week you are still getting it from a source that is reliable and will at the very least able to see the composition of the substance you are ingesting. Not so with drugs. MDMA or otherwise.

Given that so much of brain is not understood and that by taking drugs you are burning neurological pathways I would never advocate choosing drugs in a trade off scenario with alcohol. There are too many unknowns.


No it doesn’t Francis. Being stoned all the time is not good for you. Same way drinking or doing any drugd all the time isn’t.

Signing in, age 44

Ayahuasca sounds unreal.

Cocaine is overrated, mixed with awful shite here anyway.

I’ve paid in LSD, listened to XTC, watched MDMA, had a night out in Opium, and eaten Special K

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Your friends are stoned all the time? I think you’ve just proven my point

They are lying.

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Fran took coke :eek:

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Would cocaine have a better effect than the labour party conference on the telly now?

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You’re getting very defensive about this, Fran.

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A frightening number of middle aged dope fiends on the forum

I used to love an auld smoke of resin. Real mellow buzz of it. I hated weed the odd few times i smoked it. It fucking stinks and the bang off it never did it for me. It’s a horrible buzz

I lived with some high functioning pot heads tbf. Though it certainly made them more spaced out and slower. Wouldn’t have lasted that long though, a couple of years out of college. Don’t think it can be sustained.