Allianz Hurling League 2017 Division 1A Thread

Kearney with a bad injury?

Conor O Shea :grin:

No more than a couple of thousand in Nowlan Park by the looks of it

It was a blatant chop, ffs. Refs have a hard enough time without criticising them when they actually get a decision right.


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Nasty enough looking injury there.

Murphy on. :grimacing:

broken wrist maybe

The tackle seemed innocuous enough.

Five Cork wides, none from KK.

Watch it again

TJ and Richie are playing some nice stuff

7k at it.

It was but whatever way Kearney turned into him it looked a bad one, he winced in pain straight away like he had broken or dislocated something.

Cadogan must be raging inside. Lehane is fairly clueless

Richie Hogan going to start pulling hard one feels .

After that, wouldn’t blame him.

KK commentators said Cooper stood his ground and didn’t deserve a yellow.

More the getting knelt on afterwards I meant.

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Gone very scrapppy now after a promising start.