Allianz Hurling League 2017 Division 1A Thread


Beat no one your in the last 8 in 1b thats what i would change only the top team of 1b in the finals

What games are on TV on Sunday?

I know this is the 1A thread but I think they’re showing the 1B promotion decider between Limerick and Galway live.


Limerick and Galway are not going up

Tyrone v Mayo followed by deferred coverage of Waterford v Clare is what I saw advertised.

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Cody the cunt out in front yet again so.

And you after lying to us a while back saying he hadn’t taken leave from his job.

You also denied that the team is being bankrolled by US based businessmen, you liar.

I’m sorry, Bandage.


A county is at nothing these days without an out of state businessman throwing cash.
Who is bankrolling the Wexican importation of team managers?

Mick Wallace


Ah he’s a gas cunt… “But a lot of the lads there would be looking for 600 points…” would this be true Fagan? Not judging by this comment on ratemyteacher by an alleged former student about Derek; " a good teacher we barley is the text book but he ta he’s us in other ways and always in a good mood"… :joy:

My nephew didn’t particularly rate him as a teacher.

What does he teach?


He failed that young fella anyway

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Christ almighty can you imagine him teaching English. :joy:

Would you come back and take his job FFS

Stand up on yer desks bai’s. Look at the World from a different perspective.