Allianz Hurling League 2019


It was on a plate for them last year.

Did you hear the thick cunt saying that Limerick need to find three new players :smile: , and they have the best squad in the country.

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Amateur hour … these fools change their mind in a matter of minutes. Tyrell went from Limerick not being in the top 3 to it’s very hard to win back to back… What the cunts are really trying to say inbetween the utter gibberish they spout, is that hurling is about Cork, Tipperary and Kilkenny and the rest can fuck off.


They hate to see non traditional counties win the All-Ireland.

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ah they love it when it happens. The 45 year story, they get a few miles out of it. Now they want us to be good little boys and fuck off again and let the big boys at it.


That traditional shite is another load of fuck they like to throw in to big them selves up … Clare have as good a record as Cork/Tipp since the 90s … Galway have been in as many finals and were unlucky not to get over the line in 2. Wankers.

KK top of the Traditional League with wins over Tipp and Cork


Can you believe that up to 97, Limerick actually had more league titles than Kilkenny

Limerick were the league specialists in my day.

Honrale. Still not a traditional team

Mickey Mouse hurling county are specialists in Mickey Mouse competition

We had a great record in 1980s and decent in 1990s ok . Still gas we have not won a minor since 1984 given u21s success’ .

sure tipp, kk and cork are a mile out ahead in league titles won, all without giving a flying fuck about the league

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Ye were the Moral Minor Champions in 2013.

We weren’t really . We got a SVdP to draw that game v Galway and were beat in ET . Think Waterford were better that year . To be honest if the seniors had not bombed the same day you wouldn’t have heard a bit of it .

@Fagan_ODowd has an awful horn for that Limerick minor team. He must mention that perceived injustice every few weeks.

It made Limerick the county it is today.

They would have won the minor in 2016 had ref done his job.

Winning a Minor is the worst thing that could ever happen a young gael.