Allianz Hurling League 2019

what business is it of anyone’s what these lads do with their lives?

They owe nobody anything.

So a long serving Limerick GAA figure couldn’t get a few hurlers and the Liam into his school?

They must not have thought much of him. I find that incredibly hard to believe.

As for lads going to the States, they’re well fucking entitled to do as they like, its a different matter entirely and a rather snide comment to make about an amateur athlete.

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If you’re very busy in November then you’ve no right to go to America the following June.

I’m with @backinatracksuit here.


They do owe some people something, in this case I think they owed the principal that much

Sounds to me like Limerick have a discipline problem

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Where you at these days?

Gas cunts

you think a bunch of lads that won a trophy owe something to a man they’ve probably never met?

there was ample opportunity for kids to meet the players, there were loads of civic receptions they could have went to. They stay out on the field for an age after every game to sign autographs. Kids are allowed to do warm downs with them for fuck sake.

You’ve got unrealistic expectations fellaa


why Would the players turn up at the school with the cup during work or while they are meant to be in college?

The limerick lads have lost the run of themselves. Since Caroline Currid left the egos are out of control. It’s sad to see the golden generation go this way.

It was never going to go any other way.

they’ll have to get two ice cream vans now into the training field.

A van for each player

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which then brings them off on a tour of county limerick schools dispensing mr whipees

Class of 99.


That’s because the two groups in the players won’t talk to each other.

I’m only reading back know. Weren’t you boasting a few months back this principal would guarantee a few players would turn up ? The principle like you is probably a cunt and none of the players wanted anything to do with the school.

I hear the split in the camp is because some of them were for bringing the cup to schools and some against.

It precedes that. They missed a load of schools because of the schism, players wouldn’t turn up to scheduled appearances with players from the other side.

There’s been a couple of more splits since then … the continuity school visitors have emerged as the most boisterous of the lot.