Allianz Hurling League 2019

Nah, not for the limerick lads.

Lots of teachers have done lots of work for Limerick GAA, including those in our local primary school. I could name 40 odd teachers off the top of my head all around the county. EOD is one of those and a gentleman.

If I know my Limerick GAA politics, and I do, I suspect perhaps the man who was in charge of the logistics of the cup going to the schools and EOd may possibly have a coloured history. The setting up of the Academy ruffled a lot of county board feathers, as it basically removed the running of our underage from the county board. A lot of people donā€™t realise that the Academy is an independent set up and they wonā€™t allow the County Board within an asses roar of it, though theyā€™ve made several attempts to regain control. The presence of the McManus brothers prevents that and plays a more important role than any financial backing does. I reckon therein possibly lies the reason why no player was ā€œavailableā€ to visit that particular school. Nothing to do with the players



If thats true, your man should be back in high infants with his peers.

OK, I wasnā€™t up to speed on the politics involved there, shocking pettiness if thatā€™s the case, he was looked after for tickets anyway, he was about a metre away from Deccie Hannon lifting the cup,

Thats Limerick all over

After sleeping on it you edited first class to high infants?

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I didnt want @Fagan_ODowd confusing which first class i meant.

Youā€™re not wrong there, in fairness.

wasnā€™t EOD removed as development officer of the county board around 2010?

Wereā€™nt we all.

Thereā€™d be a certain truth in that, but the man I presume youā€™re referring to has nothing to do with the logistics of where the cup goes. That job is solely done by a woman.

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I think weā€™ve found the issue lads.

The TFK misogyny crew are out early this morning.

You are.

Youā€™re 100% correct, the WHERE and WHEN side of things was organised by the woman who runs the ship in HQ, and sheā€™s very good at everything she does. However the organising of players to go along with the cup was a kind of a mish mash. Most schools had a connection and organised directly. Others didnā€™t have that and the man in charge of bringing the cup around tried to organise someone for those areas, soā€¦

Iā€™m not saying that is definitely what happened, but using my perfectly honed detective skills and sharp analytical mind, I reckon it could be a reason. Otherwise EOD had a player lined up himself who had to leave him down at the last minute.

In general however Iā€™d say that there were players at the majority of schools going on anecdotal evidence. Also every club has had the cup too and there was a player or two at most of those as well. Overall excellently managed to be honest.


The clubs were all great occasions and Iā€™d say every club got well looked after, I attended at two small clubs with my kids, there was 7 or 8 players up at Ballinacurra Gaels, one of the smallest clubs in Limerick and they were extremely patient and generous with their time.
I will say though that your anecdotal evidence is very different to mine, very few primary schools in Limerick city had a player, by the time the cup was due at the school Iā€™m talking about it had become clear that the cup in a taxi was all you were getting, thatā€™s what happened at almost every school in town except for the suburbs that had players on the panel, I have been told that the man in question was unable to get anybody to visit with the cup when he made efforts to do just that.

My own feelings are well documented here, I feel that schools should have been prioritised. you can say that the players were at every club and they warm down with kids etc but many if not most parents in the city wonā€™t have brought the kids to see the cup and meet the players, it was an opportunity lost.

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Would you stop for fuck sake, the cup has been doing laps of the county since last August.

What more could they have done. Theyā€™ve kept it out of pubs. Open to correction but Iā€™d confidently say the cup has been to every single primary school & secondary school in the county at least once, in addition to every nursing home and hospital on multiple occasions.

Youā€™ve had a bee in your bonnet over this cup and schools visits for months. If most parents at that school have the same sense of entitlement as you then Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t get any players out. Fuck all gratitude on display here.

Can only speak for ourselves - a small rural club - but weā€™ve had three players out on different occasions in recent months, including the captain who arrived on straight after playing a club championship match to present medals.

But look no doubt when Cork win it in 2019 everything will have been done way better. :roll_eyes:


Expecting players to go to every club and school in Limerick is a bit much. One or the other is fine I think and I presume going to clubs is easier as they can go on weekends

Thereā€™s really no need to get so defensive. Iā€™d agree itā€™s a pity they didnā€™t get players to the primary school. Iā€™d also agree that everyone involved and players included did their best to get around to everyone and were very generous with their time.

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The debate has moved on a little bit now, personally I think it could have been managed to get one player to go with the cup each day but weā€™ve moved beyond that, the Limerick people here have made it quite clear that everything was done perfectly.
I can say with some certainty that very few schools in Limerick city were visited by a player and pointed out that one principal in particular can feel a bit let down,
Most parents in Limerick city wonā€™t have taken the kids down to the local club to take part in those celebrations, lots will of course and the average TFK poster obviously will, the school visits are great occasions though.