Allianz Hurling League 2019

If they or the kids had an ounce of interest in the GAA they probably would have

I do agree that the cup is a bit pointless without a player present mind you

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I don’t agree at all. Lots of kids will take an interest because of friends or seeing it school but parents may have no interest or connection and people just don’t maintain lifelong relationships with clubs any more the way they used to.


I think a lot of people won’t go down to the local club unless they have an involvement, I’d be slow enough to call into Garryowen or Young Munsters for something, I wouldn’t feel comfortable going over to Na Piarsaigh or out to Mungret either, they’re not my place.

The kids in schools get carried along by the excitement, unforgettable occasions.

As I said, there were players at most schools in the city and county. There were schools who didn’t have any player. Unfortunately that’s the nature of it. Our local school waited until Christmas week for the cup as that was the day they could get the few players together that were connected to the school. The school had to be flexible with dates and those who were organising the logistics of the cup were more than accommodating. Not to mention the players, one who drove down from Dublin and back up again afterwards and another who had to ask his fed up employer for time off for the hundredth odd time that year and had to make up the time by working late that evening.

The whole thing was superbly ran, schools, nursing homes and clubs, and the much maligned county board got it spot on.

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@Bandage, at this stage in this discussion is there anything the mods can do stop people continung to write big long posts rewording exactly what they have already said a few times previously? Did ye ever develop a Kev/Nembo protocol that we put into effect here?

They brought it to hospitals, they brought it to hospices, they brought it to local businesses, they brought it to nursing homes, they brought it to homes for seriously ill people who can barely leave the house, they brought it to primary schools, they brought it to secondary schools, they brought it to shopping centres, they brought it to GAA clubs, they brought it to charity fundraisers, they brought it to book launches.

But a school couldn’t get a player out one day so that undoes all of the above. Jesus wept.

OK mate, can you deal with Limerick City for a moment :grinning: Do you believe that the majority of primary schools in the city had a player?

I am admiring your restraint here, you haven’t called me a Cark cunt yet

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I have no doubt that is the case but you’re still expecting somebody to take a day off work/college to deal with a load of kids hanging out of them for a few hours

I also take @glasagusban 's point about the club not having the same connection with some people anymore, particularly in urban areas I would say but at the end of the day, the clubs are the GAA core and if the clubs are prioritised I have no issue with that

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Not bringing the cup to pubs is the real issue here, snowflake Limerick cunts


Beats bringing the cup to the pub and never leaving.

I’ll call you one if you like


there are > 30 primary schools in Limerick City alone. All wanting their own date with the players. This is outside of clubs, players schools in the county, secondary schools.


can you name the schools the cup didn’t visit please? You are asking for the inverse yet you seem to have more information

Limerick City is rubby country with the exception of Na Piarsaigh and Saint Pats.

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The ones who missed out will see it again next September along with the National League and Munster cups too . Come to think of it they will see the World Cup as well . Good things come to those who wait .

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It isn’t . First and foremost Limerick is s soccer city .

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They never brought it over to me though after all I did to get them over the line last year.


The Tipperary way.

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Disagree. You’re better off winning once in a while and going on a good tear. Whelo gets it

It’s OK mate, we’ll stop at your e-crush now soon, there was no need to jump in for him again, he’s well able to handle himself

cc @backinatracksuit I’d be getting worried there lad :eek:

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There was murder in Dublin in 2011 over schools and the cup. Not enough days and not enough players available. The problem has been solved rather ingeniously in recent years by sending the cup to schools accompanied by life size cardboard cut outs of Jim Gavin and Stephen Cluxton. Thankfully nobody has noticed.