Allianz Hurling League 2019

No free bar = no players

You won’t catch our lads drunk and disorderly.

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Jp will sweep sweep.


It certainly is.

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Sure doesn’t matter Clare or Cork will win the AI

Or hijacking taxis

The liam mccarthy was never brought to our school. Of course it wasnt a once in a generation event for us

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Change tact kid. We’re now debating whether Ciara Kelly deserves a jab or not. Keep up

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Those were the days eh?

The nephew, through marriage, is with Erins Own u10s… himself and his buddies think Limerick are the greatest team ever - he rotates between goals and forwards and wants to be Nicky Quaid… a generation of Cork kids are growing up with no heroes of their own, it’s very sad.

The Goalkeeper or the centre back version?

Goal keeper… he loves Kyler as well… I said to him what about the Cork team? - ‘they are useless’ was his reply. Very sad stuff.


It didn’t do you any harm mate, he’ll be fine

Different times, mate — kids are saturated with sports and winning these days.

Yerra when I was a kid, just prior to Joe Cooney arriving on the scene I pretended to be Christy Heffernan. I carried it off well too, I was fucking useless.


Great to see the extended panel getting a run out.


A joke?
Most kids care very little for sports, it’s more likely their hero is some ‘youtuber’, and they’ll move onto a new one at the drop of a hat, perhaps your nephew is different, when I/we were kids sporting heroes had a far greater significance to most people
And as I said it didn’t do you any harm, sure look at you charting away to Myles Dungan on national radio
@gilgamboa was brought up when Cork were winning all Ireland’s for fun and sure didn’t he single handedly bring the country to its knees ten years ago