Allianz National Football League 2022

Anyone who roars at a league match is a half wit

Surely calling a lad out on Twitter is akin to roaring in a lads face at a league match ?

The issue is more Dick giving it the big ā€œI amā€ on social media after the match while using his kids as a shield - heā€™d have done nothing to the Tyrone chap whether they were there with him or not.


Dick is very needy too

Ah heā€™s a dose. He has well and truly become an establishment figure in the GAA world now.

Still doesnā€™t deserve to have some ape roaring in his face after a drawn league game in January, or at any other time really.

Whatever side of the fence your on with Clerkin.

Nobody would like some random fan roaring abuse at you with your children in tow.

At a fucking league match to boot.

Like what kind of a cunt of a man does that?


And yet thereā€™s a strong chance it could happen at any gaa ground ā€¦

Itā€™s fucking bizarre behaviour

It is but thereā€™s a lot of lunatics who take it way too seriously ā€¦

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Serious dodgy

What is wrong with Dick being an establishment figure in the GAA ,? Someone has to be

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Dick Clerkin is a wonderful name for an establishment lackey.

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Jacqui and Darren were a tough listen coming down the M7 this afternoon. Full of superlatives every 10 minutes as to the quality and excitement of the action this weekend


It was well OTT ok

It wasnā€™t the last day


Yes probably an exaggeration. They would be very good players

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The league is box office

Whats an establishment figure? Some class of an alickadoo who might tag along on the team holiday?

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In fairness to Dick he plays devilā€™s advocate a lot and doesnā€™t just go along with the Twitter mob.

Heā€™s always good for an off the wall idea or comment too which you have to admire.