Allianz National Football League 2022

What matches are on telly tonight?

All square

Christ that was pathetic

Eamonn “Charisma” Fitzmaurice on co commentary


was just about to complain about him

Mayo need to inject a bit of pace into this, look very sluggish

He’s excellent as a co comm

“That’s a fair enough call, ah, maybe he touched it on the ground before that.”

Gough gets some cushy ride from these pundits, for all the mistakes he makes.

Tommy Conroy is a massive loss for mayo. First time they had a pacy dangerous forward with a bit of cut.

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I’ve never seen Donncha McHugh before but I’m willing to write him off here

First one for Small. There’ll be more

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I know it’s John Small but that’s still a black card all day long.

Lovely bit of niggle to this.

Great refereeing from Gough. He’s started well here

A bit of rain always adds nicely to the niggle level

Wide for Mayo. “He’d have preferred a better finish.”

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Lee Gannon is a wily oul’ young fella.

I thought you’d appreciate his constant dissembling when it comes to Dublin alright.


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Joe Brolly will find a way to construct 1000 words of a diatribe against Hennelly just off that incident there.

Hennelleys plugs have been a great success.

Good spot there again from Fitzmaurice

Nothing like a good attacking mark @peddlerscross.

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