Allianz National Football League 2022

We’ve some shower of gutless defenders.

Shades of Ruane’s goal against Galway last year where the space just opens up in front of him. Without a decent tackle being made.

We’ll take an absolute hammering in McHale. Not a dirty cunt in that backs with proper dog in them. Rossies played some lovely stuff though.

Appropriate level of satisfaction on display in that speech

You have to hand it to Tessio

What the feck is this?

Is this lad OK?

TG4 are getting notions

This is top drawer stuff

What the absolute fuck?

I wonder does he recommend his dentist

I’m very confused.

Like watching Andy Kauffman in his prime there

Top, top drawer

What the flying fuck was that?

What happened? Turned over to the closing stages of the Tour of Flanders.

TG4 had some simpleton on doing a pitchside interview. I assume it was meant to be a comedy act

Nephew he went by

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Some weirdo in a Kerry jersey got interviewed there. I’m not sure if he’s a comedian of some sort but he looked and sounded very strange

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He wasn’t Biff anyway. Mirthless but not toothless. Delete, delete quam celerrime.

I’ve a feeling in my waters* that we’re going to see a tour de force today from the Breaffy Bullock.

  • May not be factual.