Allianz National Football League 2022

Kingdom come - Sam not league


Cameraman can’t get the lens wiped half often enough in Sligo


Referees seem to be wising up to boys buying fees

CĂșl for Galway

HT in Salthill
Galway 1-9 Meath 0-0

By God. Is Andy McEntee still over Meath?

Despite Galway being noted second half fade out merchants and Meath generally being at their strongest in the second half, you’d think that should be enough.

Dublin’s performances over the last nine months are looking worse and worse.

Yes. The conitions are poor, Meath will have the breeze(gale) in the 2nd half. Galway looking a lot more organised, our nordie import is showing well

Big lead for Galway but it’s probably a 7 or 8 point wind so they still have a bit of work to do. You’d imagine if they don’t concede any goals they should see it out though. They actually only lead by 3 well into the first half before a scoring burst in the last 10 minutes.

That was braindead by Coen

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Junior B stuff

Woeful pelanty


Kind of mad having Michael Murphy on field and him not taking penalty

Peak Mayo there saving the peno only to go up the other end after and blaze wide

Didn’t Bryan Walsh put a chance like that high and wide in the All-Ireland final too. Put it wide going for a point when he needed to be going for a goal. Seems to be one of these lads that get a nosebleed when they have a sight of goal.

Galway 1-11 Meath 0-0

Hopefully TG4 have Teresa Mannion on hand in Sligo to warn about not going out in the conditions.

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Meath break their scoring duck with a point from Joey Wallace 10 minutes into the 2nd half

Jason Doherty should have buried that, he’d done the hard part.