Allianz National Football League 2023

Because of course it was Armagh

A beauty there of the “better team lost” scoreline genre as Meath beat Clare 4-8 to 0-16.

Take your goals and the points will take care of themselves.

Seven goals over the two league games is fair going, even if they were gifted a couple today

He kicked it up in the air and as wide as a gate

O Cofaigh Byrne.

Some difference in the halfs alright, took Dublin 17 mins to get a point in the second. Whats the story with not counting under 16s in the attendance, it was at least double the 3700 odd that was called out?

Nice welcome from the Limerick hosts it has to be said

You wouldn’t know what shenanigans they do be up to.

He is some size of a man. Not much of a footballer, but some option on kickouts. You’d be looking for the keeper to avoid him but then he is kicking it on top of Fenton, so what can you do. He went short a lot then, had to really, but they were ate alive by Dublin in the tackle who were just much physically stronger.

Limerick actually did okay defensively I thought. Forward play was awful at times.
Playing two half backs at half forward definitely doesn’t help.
I am all for kicking it in, but they were pure stupid about it. Dublin had a screen of two men in front of the full back line most of the time and we kicked it straight to them, over and over and over.
If we are to kick it in, in those situations it needs to go into the air and down on their heads.
But the biggest problem really is just the inside forwards aren’t very good.

Tough start for Limerick, probably the two best teams in the league. Hopefully things can get better from here on.

Cian Sheehan the only bright spark in the first half. Our best player now I think.

It was hard to tell much about Dublin from it. They had it won so early that the rest of the game became a bit of a non event.
That said I was unimpressed by their forward play and they can be fierce defensive at times.


Backs will always be fine, but we should be playing one defender at HT at most. Paul Maher for example. The other half forward needs to be someone like James Naughton.

Brian Donovan is a massive loss, he was one of our better players last year.

Ah keeper

Another clanger :man_facepalming:t2:

Meath have gone through some amount of keepers in the past decade

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Meath won’t get a sniff of the ball this half

The fisted point is some fucking abomination

Cunt deserved a red for that

Looking forward to a few more days out following Derry this summer.

Rory has them purring.

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A chastening experience in Owenbeg for Coach O’Rourke.

No shame in fortress Owenbeg

Damien Lawlor reckons Division 2 is very interesting after that result tonight. I’d have viewed that result as more or less confirming Derry and Dublin as the two promoted teams already. It would be far more interesting if Meath had gone up there and won or produced a performance. A bit of a rude awakening for Coach O’ Rourke after the hype following the opening two victories. Rumours of Meath’s upsurge were greatly exaggerated unfortunately.


This is a wake looking Kerry team.